Premium Essay

What Is Ender Wiggin A Hero's Journey

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Pages 3
Ender joins a program called “International Fleet” where it trains the smartest children to become a great leader. With his skills, he goes on a journey to win victory over his enemies. Hero’s Journey and Ender’s Game are similar to each other in many different ways which you will begin to learn later in the story. Ender Wiggin, is a special kid, he is a “third”, in his world, it’s unusual to have a third child, but not only is he a “third” he is a genius. One day Ender gets recruited by Colonel Graff to join the International Fleet leaving his brother Peter and his sister Valentine behind. At Battle School Ender’s skills allows him to lead his own squadron to train for the real attack. Eventually, Ender gets moved to planet Eros but, after

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