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What Makes People Happy


Submitted By Ryssel
Words 719
Pages 3
1. Give an outline of what makes people happy and what does not, as expressed in the three texts.
Has our pursuit and fascination for the healthy thin body types turned real healthy bodies into a disease? In the article “Can you be fat and healthy” by David Jacobs, Professor of epidemiology tells us that even fat people can be healthy. He says that According to data from the nonprofit Cooper Institute in Dallas. Being overweight and very active physically is healthier than being thin and sedentary. As an example from the article, we hear about Bliss who weighs nearly 200 pounds with a body mass index higher than 35, which is obesity she is healthy. Another view is in the article “A weight on their shoulders” we find the typical body culture nowadays. Men and women work hard in gym. Women are stretching, running and cycling to burn fat, get fit and slender and men are spending their time on the machines to get bigger stronger and to gain higher muscle mass. The body culture today is not what it was supposed to be. Today people do not go to the gym to exercise for health reasons. They exercise to get a body that looks like a commercial body. “Beauty and the breast” this article tells us that women do everything to live up to the beauty ideals of today. The article criticizes that girls from the day they play with dolls are influenced by the beauty ideals. It says that the breasts beauty is their function. Today they learn something else too, that breasts are beautiful when they are firm high and out. Women fall for this kind of beauty and get silicone breasts although they know that both the procedure and the implants themselves can cause diseases. To sum up the three articles are dealing with the same matter but seen from different points of view. In an effort to meet with society’s view on a healthy body, we alienate ourselves from our own bodies.

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