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Why Arranged Marriage More Likely To Last?

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Getting married is one of many important stages in life. There are two types of marriage in the world nowadays: love marriages and arranged marriages. So, which one of them is more likely to last? Even though people prefer love marriages because they want to make their own choices, it has been proven that an arranged marriage is more likely to last because of several reasons. The first reason that make arranged marriages last longer is the families’ experience in the process of choosing the right partner for their children. The parents have been living long enough and have gained a lot of experience. Together, with their love and their knowledge, the parents can realize their children’s weaknesses and strengths and also their needs and wishes. …show more content…
In fact, because two people in a love marriage have spent a long time together before they got married, they will easily get bored and tired of each other after getting married. After all, they will have no more interest in the relationship, which is the main reason that leads to divorce. While in arranged marriages, the individuals have no expectation or, at least, a lower expectation than love marriages. After they get married, they will not be disappointed, so they are willing to face the hardships of life together. Not to mention that arranged marriages affect many people in the two families, so the couples usually think carefully before resolving any issue and end up in reconciliation. Each individual knows that they not only represent themselves but also their family. As a result, they will have more respect for each other and will give the best they have to find a way that can solve hardships in their marriage. When two individuals in a relationship make commitment and compromise, it will be easier for them to build their trust together with love. There are four elements that create a strong relationship and a successful

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