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Why Did God Create Women


Submitted By SmritiChoudhary
Words 612
Pages 3
God created everything out of purpose. Certainly, a woman was created before the man and every being on this earth. But it was because god wanted to save the best for the last. Also, you always make a rough draft before the final master piece. According to the holy bible, genesis 2:22, god first created a stream of water. Then he created man called Adam. Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Man was put into the Garden of Eden to take care of it. But it seemed that man was alone not capable of taking care of it. He needed a companion. He could not see god, neither could he talk to him. He could only feel him. And thus he created – woman. So whatever Adam wanted to share with god, he could share it with her. She was created from man’s rib. It meant that both were part of each other. She was neither created from under his foot so that she would be inferior to him, nor was she created from his head so she would be superior to him. She was created from his rib which meant her to stay beside him. Adam was not smart enough to survive on his own, so God brought in Eve to help him. The holy Quran also repeats the same theory. Woman was made to be the crown of creation. Man represents god’s image, woman – his emotions.
According to manusmriti, women, true to their class character, are capable of leading men in this world, not only a fool but even a learned and wise man.
Women have been an important contributor towards world’s present status. They have a big hand in the history. Rosa Parks played a great role in the civil rights struggle. Oprah Winfrey raised up the issues facing American women. Benazir Bhutto led Pakistan from dictatorship to democracy. Anne Frank was a great source of during world war 1 being only 13 years old. Eva Peron campaigned tirelessly for both the poor and for the extension of women’s rights in Argentina. Mother Teresa devoted her life to the welfare of people. Annie Besant was a campaigner for social justice, advocate of women's rights and later member of the Theosophist society. Helen Keller campaigned tirelessly on behalf of deaf and blind people. Marie Curie contributed herself towards research on radioactivity and also won a Nobel prize for it. Besides she also invented the X-ray machine. Florence Nightingale dedicated her life towards nursing.
Women are important. Yes, they are! The world is incomplete without them. Women might be too soft, but from inside, they are tough. Men can rule over women, but when the time comes, women do stand up for themselves, or for others. Women face many hardships. Being a woman is dire. They bring joy, hope, happiness, compassion, ideal, and many more…
Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.
Women were created to complete the world. Women were created to help in functioning of the world. Women were created to give an ideal to the world. Women were created to love the world and to be loved by the world. After all god could not leave his creations on the hands of Adam alone for sure. Eve had to be made.

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