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Why People Hate Taxes

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We’re going to hear this like a million times before the presidential election season is over. It will come in the form of “simplify,” create a “flat tax, “reduce,” or “re-classify” are all key terms to look out for.

The truth is, the reforms these people talk about, I’m 90% sure, won’t happen.


Here’s why …


The natural thing for a politician to assume is that people hate taxes (the next logical thing to assume is social stances of your constituents, which you would derive from a variety of methods). From this base assumption, it’s no wonder politicians emphasize tax overhaul in speeches. It gets people riled up when thinking about all the money they could save. People think of vacations, cars, TVs, HOME REPAIRS, BOATS! THE POSSIBILITIES! … or they just think about keeping their water and lights on.

Anyway, politicians then lay out possible solutions to …show more content…
Of course!

What is the problem? It’s all the ways people and organizations can use all that stuff in the middle to twist their income numbers to make their “real” tax payment numbers low. The real problem is looking at all the messy stuff to ensure that people can’t distort their incomes to evade taxes. This has always been the problem, and always will be the problem.

But, working class Americans don’t care about that. They simply want to hear “less taxes” or “simplified” taxes. If we really examined the tax code, it would become a roundtable discussion, and not a debate (which doesn’t make for very compelling television).

I mean really, It’s impossible to answer any question about taxes substantively with the 30 seconds you get on the debate stage. So, instead, politicians radically simplify their messages, and this principle generally holds with all of their positions.

At the end of the day, normal people want to hear “for” or “against” something, and not think about, or discuss, actual policy development.

Why won’t taxes

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