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Why We Do What We Do


Submitted By DRG0LD
Words 437
Pages 2

Why We Do What We Do

“To be or not to be that is the question” (Shakespeare, 1945) most notably said in Shakespearian text. Today we ask the same question within our actions. Are we able to be ourselves in the decisions we make or are we not? In business we exam many problems and situations and act appropriately based the business needs and practices. In many cases the decisions we make our not within our means or not based on whom we are. Many business decisions are made with utilitarian approach. The decision is based not on the character of the person but the decision itself. Decisions like these can often make or break a company.
“Character is a major component of leadership. This goes hand and hand with integrity and commitment will come naturally.”(Klann, 2007) Developing Character can lead to major personal achievements within an organization. Virtue Theory shifts the focus of decision making based on rules and regulations to morals and ethics based on one’s self being. This can be seen in a positive light depending on the business someone conducts. In many situations it can lead to difficult decision making when it comes to organizations that have to abide by certain policies and procedures that may not agree with an individual’s morals and ethics.
“Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your family…?” (Groening, 1989) Deontology brings us the dilemma of what the moral high ground is and why. Individual morality differs for each person and they can be enforced by friends, family and society. A person’s character will play greatly in their decision making, unfortunately deontology focuses more so on cause, motivation, reasoning and why we do the things we do. Fulfilling a necessity or need is what lies within the mindset of those that look toward this form of morality. Unlike utilitarian decision making, Deontology will

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