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Why You Should Not Drink Soda


Submitted By AlecXD
Words 578
Pages 3
Every time you go to a fast food restaurant, you always get that huge cup that you will use to fill with your loved soda, right? You may think that it will only make you a little bit fatter and that it will not bring many problems for you, right? This is totally wrong. Many people, and even me, love soda and drink it just because it tastes good, but why is so harmful for your body and what kind of problems can bring for us? First I will tell you what you can find in a normal can of soda and second I will inform you of some problems that you may get drinking it. In the composition of soda, you can find preservatives (substances that have to keep the soda good to drink), antioxidants, liquids that color the soda, stabilizers, flavoring and aromatic substances, among other unhealthy substances. If it weren't for the economic powers and the clear interests of certain sectors, soda should carry a warning label similar to the one that cigarettes have. Like drugs and cigarettes, soda may bring many harmful effects to the human body. Too much soda consumption increases the risk of suffering from osteoporosis, due to the action of phosphoric acid, which prevents calcium absorption, weakening our bones. A study made by Tufts University found that people who drank only three sodas per week had an average 4 percent bone loss (in regions such as the hips) than the group of people who took in another type of drink. Many kids today face a big problem that soda and others products may bring, which is obesity. The consumption of soft drinks is widely associated with weight gain and obesity. Naturally, the increase of calories leads to weight gain, but even the diet sodas can cause this problem. Another well-known problem is diabetes, and a study done with 90 thousand women showed that those who took one or more drinks with sugar (like juices or

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