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Submitted By greatest17
Words 890
Pages 4
Indian BPOs- Waking Up to the Philippines Opportunity?

* What are the general trends in the globalization of human capital?

Nowadays every global enterprise is interconnected with many others companies with the only purpose of make easier and with the lowest cost each process; that reasons involve the human capital because as the companies have to be more competitive and being always developing new products, human capital have to be more prepared and be competitive always.
Multinational enterprises are now key factor in growth of developing countries; also they are, sometimes, providers of training, new skills, information and new technology from countries that are host of them, this trend is a positive one. But the same idea can affect the human capital when they are more prepared and needs more preparation to continue innovating and develop processes, that is when big companies move again to another developing country looking for low costs for different activities but that do not need to be specialized.
One thing that is important is that global companies do not look only for work with low cost, for them is important that the new country where they are going to invest have potential for future expansion or at least a good infrastructure and be available to implement technological advances; all of that to help to save time and money.
We can conclude that what multinational corporations have imposed as tendency in the human capital is make the lowest effort and investment for the better results with fewer compromises.

* What are the effects of the Indian government policies on the Indian BPO industry and on MNC decisions regarding locations for outsourcing jobs?

At first, after the middle 90’s, where BPO industry started to grow, government

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