Instructor: Dr. Mary Conway Dato-on
Office: Bush Exec. Center 301
Class Time: TUE 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Classroom: Crummer 107
Phone: 407-646-2514
You are encouraged to contact me whenever you have a question on any aspect of the class. You may contact me at any time throughout the semester. I am available basically when you need to meet. Sending an email may be the quickest way to reach me.
Course Description
This course will focus on the strategy and tactics needed for success in the international business environment. Strategic analysis will include the study of the economic, social, political, technological, and environmental settings of international business via text readings and case studies. Tactics will include completing a country-focused Political-Economic-Social-Technological (PEST) analysis and a company-focused Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis. These skills will then be applied to a simulation in which teams develop strategies for selecting countries for market expansion and development.
Required Texts
1. Global Business Today (6th Edition), Charles W. Hill (McGraw Hill, 2009) ISBN: 007338139x.
2. FOUR (4) Case studies ARE REQUIRED and available to download from Harvard Business School Press, Ref. Number: You will need to register first and use a credit card to download the cases. It is not permissible to photocopy another student’s cases: this is infringement of copyright and it is illegal.
Highly Recommended:
• There are also three (3) additional OPTIONAL readings available at the same Harvard Business School site. These readings will give you some background information on Japan (the focal company for the class project) and the medical industry in Japan.
• The Economist (A 12-week