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Young Women and Smoking


Submitted By michmor
Words 755
Pages 4
‘Death Sticks’ and Advertising: young Women and Smoking

Since the late 1960’s companies have devised advertising campaigns targeted specifically at young women. In the first six years that these cigarette brands were promoted, cigarette smoking among young girls aged 12 to17 increased dramatically (Baron & Bryne, 1977).

This presentation seeks to highlight the fact that cigarette companies have used ad campaigns that specifically target young women.

We are living in a fast paced society that is dominated by mass media. In our everyday lives we see images of perfect bodies, beautiful hair, flawless skin and ageless faces that flash at us like a slide show. These ideas are now immersed in our minds throughout our lives.

Advertisements select audiences openly and subliminally, in order to target them with their products. They normally allude to the fact that in order to be like the people in the advertisement you must use their product. This is not a new approach, nor is it unique to this generation, but never before has it been as widely used as it is today. There is an old saying “ a picture is worth a thousand words” and what better way to tell someone about a product than with all one thousand words fitting on one page or a couple minutes commercial.

Virginia Slims is a brand that was introduced in the late 1960s and marketed to young professional women using the slogan “You’ve come a long way baby.” Other Virginia Slims campaigns have used slogan such as “It’s a woman thing and “Find your voice.” These marketing and advertisement strategies were seen as linking smoking to women’s freedom, emancipation and empowerment.

We selected one such advertisement to highlight this problem, and some techniques that were used to attract young women to buy this brand (Virginia Slims).

The first technique that is evident in this advertisement is ‘women in control’. When you look at the advertisement you see the woman pulling the man along, though he seems very reluctant to go with her, the fact that she is ahead of him and pulling him along, gives him no choice but to follow.

A young woman seeing this advertisement may think that smoking Virginia Slims will give her the freedom and authority to be in charge of her relationship.

The second technique that is used is one that appeals to slimness, attractiveness, glamour and style. This advertisement slogan is “Lead the way? Yeah … even in 3-inch heels.”

Here you see a very slim, attractive young woman smoking, this will appeal to any young woman because this advertisement will allow them to start thinking that if they smoke this cigarette, they will be slim or their weight will be controlled. She also has a look of sophistication and style.

Virginia Slims are much narrower than ordinary cigarettes, and are also longer than normal “king- sized” cigarettes, to give the cigarettes a more “elegant appearance and ostensibly to reduce the amount of smoke they produce. The woman advertising the cigarette is slim, and the cigarette is also slim, which will automatically appeal to young women who are desirous of getting slim or remaining slim.

Where the technique of “women in control” is concerned, the following psychological concepts are evident:
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning Theory – Observational learning
This is evident in the fact that upon seeing these advertisements, young girls through their ability to learn by observing others, will assume that by smoking they too can be in control of their situations be it with a partner or otherwise.
We all see things differently, therefore, upon seeing these advertisements young women may assume that once they smoke especially this brand of cigarettes, they will be able to take the lead as a woman and be in charge of any situation.

Where the second technique of an appeal to slimness, attractiveness and style is concerned, the following psychological concepts are evident:

The concept of self-perception
This follows a young woman’s self-esteem where she may not have confidence in her own strength; but upon seeing this advertisement, she begins to believe that if she smokes one of these cigarettes, she will be more respected and accepted in the social environment.

The Affect/Motivation: concept which also speaks to beauty and physical attractiveness.
The Advertisement depicts a classy, elegant and sophisticated woman who epitomises all the right attributes that a young woman would want to possess. She portrays confidence that would help young women deal with issues such as self esteem and poise.

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