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Submitted By edsil
Words 553
Pages 3
1. In addition to the United States, which country did Jefferson and Adams most admire? What does their individual choices tell you about them?
England, ,adams- tradition, order, English Wine, believes jeff is wrong about church, science of government is the highest of sciences, think and act american
Jefferson- wants pennsylavnia beer. Believes the church be more powerful is dangerous, reason as center of universe, becomes secretary of state 2. Compare and contrast what Jefferson and Adams thought were the primary roles of government?
Adams believes the French are radicals. Whiles Jefferson believes they are trying to relieve themselves of oppression of govt. and corrupt church
They disagrees on the ideal form of government. They believed in each other,

3. Which factors caused their relationship to break up? Which factors helped them to reconcile?
When they served as trade ambassador for Europe, Adams belives he is forgetting their roles, Jefferson, begins to fall into anti American ways. They split up during the French revolution. Jefferson feels commited to the French revolution. 5 years away. They split over ideals of government while drinking teas. Jeff believes adams is following old England. While adams believes jeff is a radical like the French. A believes j is in decent because he does not say anything about the death of the royal family in france. A believes j could be successor for Washington. J is mad about the antagonizom over frances revolution. J thinks a has a phobia. A is angered about frances invasion of Britain. A is advocation alien and seduction laws. A wants objective impartial news papers to tell the truth. J wants a new political party and new rev. that govt which governs best governs least. Believes current system is drunk with federal power. A tries to prevent the happening in france in usa.
J believes in limited govt.
A reconciles with J
A really didn’t believe in J/s form of govt.

A feels betrayed because they blame Charles death, on the liberty that J wants. J doesn’t respond so the gained hate.

4. What contributions did Abigail Adams and Benjamin Rush(how is he presented) play?
Rush is a physician, he serves as a doctor for Jefferson and his wife
A thanks rush over his help over the well being of his family. Rush has no stomach for politcics. Both J and A admire his will. He serves as a communicator between J and A. J asks rush to bring their friendship back together. Rush does not want them to be divided. He makes them aware of the things that have taken place in order to reconcile their friendship. He brings out the better sentiments towards each other.
Abagail was asking for womens rights, she said she would not be bound by a law where she didn’t have any voice or representation. She also serves as the peoples voice. A recognized Her sentiments when she speaks of the love she had over J;s daughter.
She brings back the doings of their history, which caused their relationship which is J and A to break apart.
She served as the love between the two men.

5. When did these gentlemen die(die on the same day, 4th of july)? What significance do you think the people may have attached to this fact?

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