12Th Century Vernacular Language

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    Vernacular Language

    HUMA215 – Vernacular Language Jennifer James American Intercontinental University Abstract You will see the spread and research of the vernacular language. You will see the cultural impact that vernacular language had during this period. Vernacular Language The ways of the medieval was impacted by Latin. The rise of the Roman Empire became well known for the Latin until 1200 A.D. when the Empire fell. For several years it was ruling the western world. The spread of the Latin language was due

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    Vernacular Language in the 12th Century Michelle Hinton Lisa Feder 6/15/12 Abstract “Latin was the official language of law, government, business, education and religion in Western Europe” (http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied _history/tutor/endmiddle/langlit.html ) the universal catholic culture. The French would be the first to spread the Vernacular Language. The shift from Latin to Vernacular was very important. Throughout the former empire, languages started to develop and would become what

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    The Importance of Vernacular Languages

    Abstract Language is a tool used to interact with others and express ideas, emotions, knowledge, memories and values. Language is also a vital tool for cultural expression it helps define each culture and identify them selves. Before vernacular language, people used Latin to communicate now each country uses a different language. In many places of the world knowing multiple languages is a virtue. “Language is the light of the mind.” (John Stuart Mill) The Impact of Vernacular Languages Latin was

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    To Do What You Have to

    Language and Literacy As the geographic territory under Roman control grew, the use of Latin as a common language also spread. In areas under Roman control, Latin was the spoken and written language of the courts and commerce, as well as the language of the Christian church. As the Roman Empire expanded, Latin served as a common language that allowed for people of diverse linguistic backgrounds to be able to communicate. Latin, like other languages past and present, had more than one form and

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    Language and Literacy

    Language and Literacy American InterContinental University Abstract The vernacular is basically a common language used in a country. During the medieval times Latin and French were the popular literature used at that time. However, there was a limitation as to those who could learn Latin. Those who were able learn of this finer language during this time were those who were wealthy. Eventually the average citizen learned the vernacular language as well. Introduction The vernacular language

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    From Latin to Vernacular

    to only the Latin language, then the answer for scholars and writers alike in the 12th century was indeed not. While Latin was spoken and read by educated men throughout Europe at the time, the growing availability of education for even the common man and women made for an increase in the amount of works created. It would then follow that with proper knowledge of the written word, those with the creative inkling would begin to write, not as a scholar, but rather in the vernacular most commonly recognizable

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    Ip 2 Topics in Cultural Study

    Latin was a large impact on the medieval ways. For very many years it was dominating the western world. The Latin language spread wherever the Roman Empire ruled. Around 1200 A.D. the empire began to fall and the Latin language began to fade. The people farthest away began to undergo the changes first and the ethical renewal began. Many individuals choose to use their vernacular language rather than Latin. In England they returned to old English with great influence from Alfred the Great

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    Vernacular Language. Impact of Vernacular Language J.S. Charles August 17 2013 Topics in Cultural Studies Certification of Authorship: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in this paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me especially for this course The vernacular language

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    Historical Foundations

    was one of the languages of choice but in literature it began to change early in the twelfth century. The language beginning to be used was easily understood by all who read this particular literature. Because it was an understood and easy language it spread throughout Europe and Italy. The impact of this changed language would go on to impact a variety of areas including cultures. Latin originated in Rome mainly used in Latium, Rome. It was used as early as the 6th century in the Etruscan

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    The Beginning of Many Different New Languages in the Twelfth Century

    how new languages came to be in the early twelfth century. This article also discusses which languages came into Europe and how they arrived there whether it had been though passing performers or musicians. It shows what effect it had during the medieval times. Also, this article explains how the Latin language was strong for the much extended timespan that it survived. It describes where the origins that the different vernaculars played a dominate role in dissipating the Latin language. It also

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