A Long Way Gone

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    A Long Way Gone

    Violence in A Long Way Gone In the novel, A Long Way Gone, there were a lot of acts of violence that revolved around the main character, Ishmael Beah. Much of this violence was similar to the violence in chapter 11 of How To Read Literature Like a Professor. The many types of violence in this book have different functions. The second book explains the functions, symbolical meaning, and types of violence. Violence can have a symbolic or thematic function. It shows us that violence lurks in

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    A Long Way Gone

    Justin Klein Mrs. Henricks English 102: 21 January 2014 Beneficial Rap The novel A Long Way Gone describes the way of life of a young child solider. Ishmael Beah, the author of this novel, gives dramatic detail throughout the book of his various problems and difficulties he has dealt with over time. Not only does the problems he has effect his family, but his close friends as well. One of Ishmael’s hobbies was listening to rap music with his friends. He often talked about his favorite artists

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    A Long Way Gone

    CIS110-041 29 September 2014 A Long Way Gone Essay Questions 1. At the beginning of the novel, Ishmael describes war as too abstract for his mind to understand. He describes this as the mindset for all of the other people in his village as well. When Ishmael and his friends have nowhere to go, they roam nearby cities and what they see is unbearable to their young eyes. All of the destruction, dead bodies, and ransacked homes really put things in perspective for young Ishmael. I feel like this

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    A Long Way Gone

    In A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah, many events change his life and he has to choose to live with them or die. Ishmael has changed because of several major events that he lived through and has adapted and that has helped him survive in his war ravaged country. He has changed from young, innocent boy to mindless child solider to a proper adult but he still survives and that makes him very resilient. Though it was hard he found himself amongst war. One of the first major

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    A Long Way Gone

    A Long Way Gone Ishmael Beah was an innocent boy who enjoyed playing football, swimming in the streams, and even started a rap and dance group with his friends and older brother. The group discovered their love for rap music from old cassette tapes of O.P.P, Run D.M.C, and the Sugarhill Gang. Ishmael and Junior, along with their other friends cherished these few hip hop and rap cassette tapes. Ishmael constantly carried these couple tapes on him at all times. They choreographed dance routines

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    A Long Way Gone

    Aj Jackson  Ehrensaft  12/1/13  A long way gone essay  Ishmael Beah shows a loss of innocence all throughout his book "A long way gone". He  shows us just how his childhood was taken from him and how that translates into loosing  his  innocence in the following ways. In the beginning of the story he talks about how horrific it  was  to see his village ransacked and burned. He talks about how scared he is like when the  rebels  found him and he looked into his brother's eyes and could feel the fear but tried to hide it

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    A Long Way Gone

    feelings and thoughts by projecting them into the dead body he was carrying. Psychologically analyzing this passage, I can tell that Ishmael feels terrified and dead inside. 

5. Actually a few days ago, I dreamt the same thing again. It had been a long time since I had last dreamt anything similar: I dreamt that we were in a foreign city, yet I knew everyone there because they were people I knew back from my city. There was some sort of gathering because we were all together when we heard the biggest

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    A Long Way Gone Reflection

    The book that my group has chosen to read is A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah, which portrays Beah’s experience of being a child soldier and being present in the middle of a civil war. I feel that the first third of the book is mainly Beah trying to set the bedrock for what is to come, which I liked very much as it gave me the chance to connect to the emotions displayed by Beah. His initial character reminds of a child forced to grow mature beyond his own age due to circumstances

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    A Long Way Gone Essay

    The autobiography untitled A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah explores his time as a child soldier for the Sierra Leone Armed Forces during the country’s civil war. During the course of the book, Beah recounts his time of being brainwashed into being a child soldier after his family and entire town is brutally murdered by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), while Beah is away with friends to attend a talent show. After years of committing violent crimes with the rebel army, and abusing various drugs

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    A Long Way Gone Essay

    A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, by Ishmael Beah illustrates Beah’s childhood under Sierra Leone's Civil war in the 1990s. The book recounts Beah’s experience as a 12 year old boy struggling to find his family. Although this book mainly follows Beah, it also gives a lot of insight on the instability in African countries like Sierra Leone. Ishmael Beah was a normal child before the Civil war in Sierra Leone, which is what the beginning of the book illustrates. In the early chapters, Beah

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