Abuse Reporting

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    Ethical Decisions

    outcomes and my own personal thoughts of what I would do. In this case presentation a 17 year old female comes to the local family planning clinic seeking birth control. While performing the evaluation the nurse practitioner notices signs of physical abuse. When questioned she reluctantly admits that her biological father whom she resides with slapped her. She reports not wanting to get him in trouble because she does not want to live with her mother and step father. Her step father she reports has sexually

    Words: 707 - Pages: 3

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    Unit 204

    in health and social care Learning outcomes and assessment criteria Outcome how to recognise signs of abuse Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse is an act of another party involving contact intended to cause feelings of physical pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, or inappropriate sanctions Sexual abuse is a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an

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    Child Protection

    Child Protection The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.’ (Source: Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2006). It is essential that children are safeguarded from maltreatment and impairment of their health and development not only

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    The Effects of Child Abuse: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

    The Effects of Child Abuse: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy MiChelle Cochran Concordia University St. Paul College of Education and Science Forensic Mental Health 510 Family Violence PTSD and Trauma Cohort 401 Assignment Six Families of children with disabilities have an added burden of providing protection to their children from various types of abuse or neglect. Although all children have the same risk of abuse at the early infancy ages, the risk increases for the disabled as they age. National

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    Term Paper

    Introduction Most of the time, physical abuse is not recognize by peoples as a serious problem. Physical abuse occurs when someone physically hurts you, such as by hitting you or throwing something at you. Even if someone only hits you once or doesn't hurt you that badly, it is a big deal. It may be not so serious because it seems they’re not badly hurt, but what the people doesn’t know is they are causing harm, a serious harm to that people they hurt physically.Abuse tends to escalate, putting

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    The Enormous Radio

    and now he’s hitting her" (822). This incident also causes the Westcott's to question the "perfection" of their own marriage, and Jim and Irene end up having a disagreement about dishonesty. And it is widely accepted that dishonesty and physical abuse are not qualities of a "perfect" marriage. Another way it is shown that the Westcott's are not flawless is when Jim makes his enraged speech to Irene. This speech entails how he’s "sick" of her addiction to the radio and disgusted about her stealing

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    English 101 [My whole life I have grown up in a house where all of us kids had the same parents. Where we were required to go to church and sit down together at dinner. Why is it that my family is different from others. Aren’t all families like this? Don’t all kids grow up in loving homes?] – ( Needs to be more creative, Its not good to use open ended questions as an attention grabber. Maybe something a shocking statistic would work better) {As far as a topic sentence ought to be, I think you

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    Apple and Foxconnn

    Working on a construction site - The construction work of the permanent factory in the Airport Zone is still in progress. The environment is messy. Dust flies around the campus on clear days, and flooding occurs when it rains. Miscalculation and withholding wages - Many interviewees are underpaid because of mistakes in the recording of working hours and attendance. Sometimes the workers receive a few hundred less than what they deserved. There are records of work stoppages even the

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    The Protestants and the Catholics are fighting each other, and the protestant are throwing stones and yelling at the catholic children on their way to school. The catholic children have nightmares and pees in the nighttime because of the terrible abuse from the Protestants. You can’t touch me This is also one of our topics in violence and the novel is about a teacher Ian Goade and a student, who is studying at the school Ian teaches. Ian knows that Campbell is a troublemaker, but he has never

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    “Loss of Innocence”

    story is a vivid example of the consequences of racism and how it can affect the life of an innocent girl. In addition to racism, rape is another compelling reason that destroys innocence and leaves marked the history of any person subject to this abuse (White). The story "The Answer Is No" by Naguib Mahfouz tells how a rape victim can be marked forever. Children are the first victims when we speak of racism and rape because they lack the means to defend themselves. They are easy prey for people without

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