Accepting Personal Responsibility

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    Personal Responsiblity

    Personal Responsibility The last twelve months of my life have been a sea of change. I decided to leave my job of six years, undertake a weight loss journey and pursue a Bachelor’s degree. I thought about doing all those things year after year but never did. One day, it really hit me, my job wasn’t opening doors for me, my education was lacking and I was unhealthy. As a result my quality of life was suffering. In order to gain new opportunities and improve my quality of life I needed to take

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    Personal Responsbility Esay

    Personal responsibility essay Josh Beaver GEN/200 FOUNDATIONS FOR GENERAL EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS 10-19-2013 Jackie Jenkins Personal Achievement Many people do not understand what personal responsibility truly is. From my experience in the military it was a matter of life and death. For a Marine combat squad to be successful in combat, each individual must be trusted to be able to perform his or her duty. Luckily, earning a college degree

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    Personal Responsibility

    Personal Responsibility Larissa Montgomery Gen 200 January 13, 2014 John Grattan Personal Responsibility Introduction Personal responsibility means being accountable for one’s own actions, not blaming others, whether it is a positive or negative outcome. You are in control of the outcome of your actions, and only you will have to deal with the consequences of that decision. Personal responsibility defines who you are and makes you aware of your decision making. As an adult, accepting

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    Personal Responsibility

    Personal Responsibility GEN/200 Personal Responsibility Personal responsibility is having the disposition to accept the consequences to my actions. It is a choice that can extremely affect my life. I chose to be responsible and accept the consequences to my actions, learn from my experiences, maintain a positive attitude and be willing to change and work hard in order to significantly improve my life. Accordingly, allowing me to have career success. Relationship In reality, becoming a successful

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    Personal Responsability

    Personal Responsibility Essay Rough Draft Mario Urgiles GEN 200 September 13, 2012 Professor: Mr. Albalat Personal responsibility is accepting the importance of standards that society establishes for individual behavior. Also, means that when the individuals fail to meet expected standards. However, the demise of personal responsibility occurs when individuals blame their family, their peers, theirs economic circumstances, or their society for their own failure to meet standards. There are

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    Personal Responsibilities and College Success

    barriers that can hinder a student’s success in college. Personal responsibilities and how a student handles them is a very important barrier to understand. Students must understand how their responsibilities can affect their everyday functions and those around them. Understanding these responsibilities will make gaining a higher education easier and more fulfilling. Personal Responsibility is taking responsibility for your actions, accepting the consequences of those actions and understanding what

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    We have entered an era where nobody feels the need to take responsibility for their own behavior. From school age children who don't feel the need to complete their class work assignments to heads of large corporations who take no qualms in engaging in criminal activity at the expense of their clients. They often don't face the consequences directly instead they fall upon others. As written Richard H. Palmer in his book Avatar: "It seems easier to defend actions than to honestly examine them

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    Understanding Personal Responsibility

    Understanding Personal Responsibility Some might say that they both know as well as understand what personal responsibility is, but sometimes that's not always the case. To understand one's own personal responsibility you must always own up to your own actions. Therefore, you must take charge of  your actions by practicing discipline and using time management skills. Thus, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Personal Responsibility to me means to, acknowledge responsibility for my

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    Annoteted Bibliography

    Annotated Bibliography Ward Biederman, Patricia (1998). Schools add Teaching of Personal Responsibility to Curriculum. Los Angeles Times This is an excellent newspaper article from Los Angeles times that covers how schools are teaching about personal responsibility. It also talks about how school districts are implementing classes to teach younger students about them accepting the consequences of their choices or actions they take in life. They also teach them on widely held values such as honesty

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    Learning Personal Responsibility Although not always easy to accept, learning to accept personal responsibility is one’s choice. Becoming aware of feelings and accepting change will result in better decision-making as well as positive success in one’s life. Responsibility continues throughout one’s own actions therefore making the right choices will build character and not result in negative consequences. Going to school or work each day is a personal responsibility that we adapt to or can either

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