Addiction as a Chronic Illness Donnell Parker PS370-01 Health Psychology January 17, 2012 Chronic illness refers to conditions that have the following conditions: The condition involves some disability; it is caused by mostly nonreversible pathological change; and it requires training and motivation on the part of the patient to care for himself or herself. The onset of chronic illness can be sudden or gradual, but one characteristic common to all chronic illnesses
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The Disease Model According to the disease model of addiction, addiction is a brain disease. Marked changes in brain structure and function that, over time, lead to involuntary use or compulsive behavior are the key characteristics of the disease (Leshner, 2001). The behavioral expressions of addiction are uncontrollable, and in that aspect, similar to that of other brain diseases. For example, just as schizophrenics cannot voluntarily control their hallucinations and delusions or Parkinson’s patients
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best course of treatment for common social diseases, such as drug or alcohol addiction, or the reasons behind behavior among certain populations. Introduction A number of studies have been conducted in order to provide members of the medical and psychological community with information to determine the best course of treatment for patients with alcohol addiction. These studies take into account other factors, such as personality disorders, chronic diseases, and also address the use of medication
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The Disease of Drug Addiction Joanne Frye HSER 340 Abstract Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive seeking and use of addictive substances despite harmful consequences to the addicted individual and to those around him or her. Introduction Dramatic advances in science over the past 20 years have shown that drug addiction is a chronic relapsing disease that results from the prolonged effects of drugs on the brain. (Leshner, 1997) It is considered a
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Disease Management: Empowering Patients and Improving the Effectiveness of Patient Care Disease Management: Empowering Patients and Improving the Effectiveness of Patient Care Managed care organizations are continually searching for new ways to cut costs and people trying to manage an illness or disease are looking for ways to ease their symptoms, maintain their lifestyle, and stay out of the hospital. People with diseases are in the unique position for managed care organizations to focus
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What is addiction? Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use, despite the consequences to the individual who is addicted and to those that are around him or her. Alt-hough the decision to take drugs are voluntary for most people, the brain changes that occur over time will challenge the addicted person’s self control and hamper his or her ability to resist taking drugs. Fortunately, treatments are available to help people counter their addiction’s
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Drug Addiction Angela Figueroa COMM/156 May 20, 2012 Meghan Anderson Drug Addiction In society, drugs have been the downfall for many people. There are many reasons that a person may use drugs such as: peer pressure, relief of stress, increased energy, to relax, to relieve pain, to escape reality, to feel more self esteem, and for recreation ("Drug addiction and drug abuse," 2011). What is it that causes the obsession and compulsion to use drugs? Why can some people stop and others go on
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11/10/14 Sociology of Addiction Position Paper Is Drug Addiction a Disease/Choice? People argue whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Today, I will be discussing this argument in hopes to have a better understanding as to why this topic is so controversial. Throughout my research, I easily found information on this topic and I am still not sure I have found any answers. Addiction can be defined as a
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Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences (“Drug Abuse”). It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain; they change its structure and how it works.Drug Addiction affects more people than you know it. It can hurt the people around you and even yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Many unfortunate factors cause one to fall into drug addiction, but many ways exist for
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Summary: The cause of addiction is such a debatable topic because of the various scientific founding that present as of now. While growing up with my lack of knowledge and ignorance, I assumed people became addicted to opioids, depressants, etc. because they wanted to and it could easily be change like a lightbulb. However, according to the article, “Addiction is a Brain Disease, and it Matters”, written by Alan Leshner (1997), he identified that addiction is in the brain and it causes a lot of
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