Alcohol In The Workplace

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    Drug-Free Workplace

    Drug-Free Workplace The Drug-Free Workplace Policy enacted in 1988 to keep drug users out of the workplace and already hired employees off of drugs. At there is a well defined policy against illegal drugs, prescription drugs and alcoholic beverages. The writer believes that the policy has implemented a comprehensive drug awareness and education program. The supervisors at are given the proper information to reasonably suspect someone of being under the

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    Corporate War on Drug Abuse

    MEMORANDUM To: Human resources manager From: Bilal Sirhan, Human resource specialist Subject: Analysis of different policies for alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace Date: November 24th 2014 Here is the report, which was to be completed by November 24th 2014, concerning leading companies’ exemplary policies on substance abuse within the workplace. The study involved analyzing the different substances used by workers and evaluating different approaches that companies across North America

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    Alcohol Abuse and How It Affects Everyone

    Alcohol Abuse and How it Affects Everyone S. Adams Should society care about alcohol abuse? Many people believe that to consume alcohol is a personal choice and an expression of free will. Some of those people don’t consider how alcohol use affects anyone other than the drinker. By listening to alcohol advertising and watching actors in movies one would get the impression that alcohol gives people an increased social status; they become self-confident, sexually attractive, and fun to be around

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    Planning Process Through Safety Analysis and Accident Prevention to Reduce Losses in the Course of Asset Protection

    “Planning Process through Safety Analysis and Accident Prevention to reduce losses in the course of Asset Protection” Whenever we are relating to the issue of Safety Analysis and Accident Prevention in Trinidad and Tobago, we must communicate with OSHA. Occupational Safety and Health in Trinidad and Tobago has been administered since 1948 thru the Factories Ordinance 1948 and was amended in 1952. In 1973, Trinidad and Tobago examined a number of drafts to be amended and reviewed the health and

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    Single Source Or by calling Single Source direct at 800.713.3412. MHA Members receive a 10% discount off regular pricing. [pic] DRUG POLICY SAMPLE 1 This policy provides [Company Name] employees with guidelines pertaining to drug and alcohol abuse during the normal course of employment. Scope: This policy applies to all employees of the company at all locations. Policy Statement: [Company Name] provides a safe and productive work environment for all employees. It is the policy of

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    The Case for and Against Drug Testing

    The dilemma of whether or not to have a drug-testing policy in corporate America is a colossal subject. Alcohol and drug abuse are considered to be amongst the most common health hazards in the workplace. Drug use in the workplace is an increased liability to employers and can cost companies millions of dollars. In this case study, a company named Castulon Corporation, is faced with a dilemma of whether or not to implement a drug-testing policy. The cause for this dilemma is the fact that upper

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    Substance Abuse

    drugs and alcohol. Studies have had the evidence to show that pre-drinking personality traits are in those that have had a drinking problem since an early age. Evidence also suggest that such people have a genetically determined brain disorder involving the prefrontal lobes (Tarter et al., 1988). These disturbances lead to deficit disorders, pre-alcoholic essential tremor, emotional instability, and aggressiveness not excluding others. When dealing with substance abuse in the workplace individuals

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    Substance Abuse

    Just like many disease or mental illness, substance abuse does not discriminate. Substance abuse can result from sociocultural, due to stress of environmental factors, social economics and unemployment’s. The use of substance abuse whether it is alcohol, prescription drugs, or other method it is a stress reliever for the abuser, helping them escape. The addiction to substance abuse makes it hard to function and work in the real world because the abuser becomes dependent and develop higher tolerance

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    Employers and Employee Rights on Drug Testing in the Work Place

    Employer and employee have different rights and responsibilities in the organization. The right are provided for the productivity of the organization. Drug and Alcohol Testing: The use of drugs such as cocaine and alcohol has received widespread attention in recent years and many private employers now routinely test for drugs and alcohol use. However, the laws regulating drug testing are relatively new. The courts are still shaping them. At present, the Americans with Disabilities Act, some state

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    Random Drug Testing Benefits

    Random drug tests in the workplace increases employee confidence. On one wants to have to work in fear of being a victim of a drug-related incident or a fellow peer jeopardizing their wellbeing. All personnel that deal with and are liable for the wellbeing of the public should be required to submit themselves to random drug tests and the reason is quite clear. Following the procedures implemented by the Department of Transportation, the operational agencies developed alcohol and drug testing programs

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