Can One Be Moral And Not Believe In God

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    gospel is perceived in our culture? Today, people believe that they can accept Jesus as their personal savior and sometimes not follow Him. They also feel that if they are saved, they can do what they want, because Jesus will forgive them of the sins they are committing. What are some specific moral reasons that people may reject the Christian gospel? For some people, they may interpret the Bible differently from other people. For example, God never states that you should not drink; however

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    Elements of Religious Tradition

    Divine Divine is one of the many names that various religions use for the name of God. In the Western world the term used for the Divine is God. Divine as he is called is just, compassionate, infinite in virtues and pure. In describing the relationship with the Divine, according to the Western culture that believes in one God, Creator of all things, ruler over everything. Other traditions that believe in one God: the Yoruba, Christians and Muslims. Those believing in more than one God are the Wicca;

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    Wise Blood

    The haunting behavior Flannery O’ Connor creates a fictional world in need of faith. In the book Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor, Hazel (Haze) Motes is a young man that is driven to find Christ in the city of Taulkinham. Who I considerably believe him to be naïve person, because of his innocent, ignorant, and impulsive behavior. Flannery O’ Connor character is spiritual lean and hungry figures that reject lip services to Christianity and the insipid certainty of rationalism in the pursuit of salvation

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    Jesus and Buddha

    espoused a "world-subverting wisdom that undermined and challenged conventional ways of seeing and being in their time and in every time." Borg claims that both were teachers of wisdom, not only regarding "moral behavior, but about the 'center,' the place from which moral perception and moral behavior flow." Both, according to Borg, "were teachers of the way less traveled. 'Way' or 'path' imagery is central to both bodies of teaching." In their article, "Are Jesus and Buddha Brothers?", by Carl

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    Comparing Feminism And Catholicism Of The Book Of Job

    derived meanings, feminists believe that Job’s wife portrayed harshly and receives a lot of judgement just because she tells Job to curse God and die. Many think it is unfair as she has lost all of her children, flocks, and servants and has to put all of her time into helping Job when he has excruciatingly painful skin sores, suffering the same hardships as Job did. However, she ended up disappearing and was called names such as ‘the devil’s accomplice’. However, feminists believe she is speaking from compassion

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    Nietzsche Critique on Christianity

    Nietzsche critique on Christianity Nietzsche speaks immensely upon the idea of God/super natural being. At the time of Nietzsche's writings Christianity was widely practiced in Eastern Europe. Hence it was the main religion practiced by those reading who were reading Nietzsche. Before we can approach his critique of Christianity we need to understand the man himself a little. Nietzsche was born into a family who was extremely Christian, his uncle and grandfather were both Lutheran ministers and

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    What Is Meant by the Problem of Suffering for Religious Believers?

    believers. Evil and suffering can be seen to pose strong challenges against the existence of a God, more specifically an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God. Whilst John Hick describes evil and suffering as “physical pain, mental suffering and moral wickedness”, the problem is widely seen to refer to the existence of both natural evil, such as natural disasters, and moral evil, heartless actions such as murder, along with the suffering that is often a result of these. Perhaps one of the most significant

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    Ethical Analysis.Docx

    ETHICAL ANALYSIS Almost since its discovery, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has been a subject of moral controversy, with every stride forward accompanied by opponents determined that it not proceeds. Today some arguments once made against the process have fallen by the wayside, while others remain unchanged. In the article about the first test tube baby – Louise Brown the main agents are Mr. John Brown and Mrs. Lesley Brown they are the couple that is not able to conceive for almost 9 years. They

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    Shenyu Wang PHL101 Summery Essay 3 7/22/2015 I think that God does not exist. if God exists, if it is material, it should be seen. But I have never seen it before. if God is immaterial, that everyone can create their own God in their hearts; if God had not the slightest effect on the material world, he exists only in the spirit of the believer, this means that God does not exist in this world, like a young man, he does not like all the girls, and the girls fall in love with his own spirit,

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    Worldview can be described as how someone perceives the world and their thoughts on the world today. A major part of world view is the religious portion that includes their beliefs concerning God, their values, and what morals they feel like they should uphold. II. For Christians, worldview is something that is written clearly in the Bible for man to understand. The question of the origin of man is explained in the Bible in Genesis 2:7 and in Matthew 19:4, both clearly stating that God created

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