Creation Stories

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    Ghost Story

    an area with so much history and life would generate ghostly phenomena. What makes this ghost story so interesting is that it is so unexpected. Sitting on a cold bench, right before practice, I figured I would ask around to see if anyone had any good ghost stories to tell. Little did I know that I would find one that would send chills down my spine. As the oldest sibling growing up in their two story house in Bergen county, Dana remembers a lot of her childhood as well as her brothers, who is

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    Farm Girl

    Summary of Farm Girl Anderson Jude ENG 115 Professor Chris Swindell Strayer University October 23rd, 2013 The short story Farm Girl is an in depth look at life through the eyes of a young girl growing up with her family on a farm. Throughout this non-fiction story the author Jessica Hemauer, does an amazing job of describing her surroundings to pull the reader in and make them feel like they are there with her. She begins as a younger girl describing how difficult it is for a child to awake

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    Another Chance

    chance. These are the cases where the involved can live through a religious experience and have the opportunity to save what they’ve previously ruined. Gerard is a handsome man from New York, who is approximately 40 years old. The turning point in the story is when Gerard meets Laurel coincidently after he sees her through a shop window. Gerard and Laurel are former partners, but the relationship ended when Gerard had to proclaim that he had made another woman pregnant while they were still dating. Gerard

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    D. H. Lawrence

    Sense of Touch: A Common Theme for Several of D.H. Lawrence’s Short Stories D. H. Lawrence was a very well known, all-around, popular man in the early twentieth century. Not only did Lawrence write a great deal of short stories, but he also created novels, poems, plays, essays, travel books, paintings, translations, and literary criticisms. Lawrence was obviously a unique individual, and this is reflected in his short story writing. Many other authors of his time wrote with a common characteristic

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    A Gap of Sky

    massive pressure when undergoing the transition from child to adult. This pressure often result in frequent use of drugs and alcohol to escape from the harsh reality.This is the case in the short story “A Gap of Sky” by Anna Hope from 2008 that deals with the issues of drugs, freedom and pressure. The story is set in todays London and starts in medias res when the story's main character, Ellie, wakes up. Ellie seems tired, worn out from last night and you understand that she has a hard time getting

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    Teams Alexandria Aguirre Dr. Nate CotePrinciples of Supervision 1 (D50)Dona Ana Community College | What are teams? Why are they important? When you think about teamwork, you may recognize effective, productive teams. You may also recognize groups of individuals who have been put together to work on a task who just don't seem to make the same progress. Your answer as to what a team is may be working together with other people to figure out a problem; and you are exactly correct. Teams are

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    I Read Next? Brownies: Bibliography and Further Reading Brownies: Pictures Copyright Brownies: Introduction PrintPDFCite . “Brownies” is a story by ZZ Packer, a young African American writer. It appears in Packer’s short story collection, Drinking Coffee Elsewhere, which was published in 2003 to great acclaim. The story is about a Brownie troop of fourth-grade African American girls from suburban Atlanta, Georgia, who go to summer camp. At the camp, they encounter a troop of white

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    What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

    relationships in any area of our lives. Raymond Carver, an American short story writer and poet, was always concerned with the ways in which human beings communicate or fail to communicate with each other and how that affects people’s lives. Carver found the way to express this concern through stories such as “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” and “Cathedral”. He presents situations where the characters of these stories had difficulties communicating their feelings. Caver is known for his

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    "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" Two waiters in a café in Spain keep watch on their last customer of the evening, an old and wealthy man who is a regular at the café and drinks to excess. They discuss the fact that he tried to commit suicide the week before, but that it could not have been over anything important because he had plenty of money. The old man asks for another brandy and one of the waiters brings it to him. The two waiters discuss their customer further, saying his niece found him hanging

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    How and Explication

    your life. You guys love everything about each other. Everything is just great. In the short story How by Lorrie Moore you dive into the mind of a woman who talks about her relationship with a guy from the beginning to the end. She dives into her worries and issues in her mind. The emotions she goes through, and how she sticks around even when she feels like running away. In this short story she begins with talking about how she meets this guy and how they get to know each other.

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