Four Day School Week

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    Four Day School Week

    Schools should not switch to a four day school week. A four day school week will cause families and businesses not to move into the community. A four day school week decreases costs at the expense of the staff. It will leave children unattended. Students of low income families may not have food at any time but school. A four day school week would take away another meal from them. Instead of 5 meals a week, they would be getting 4. According to Marcia Morris, families will not move into the community

    Words: 540 - Pages: 3

  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week

    Alternating the traditional 5 day school week has been debated for a lingering time. Some proposed at the four day school week can cause students to exasperate school further. However, it is not authoritative. For example, the added day can be used for proper rest since statistics show that teens sleep between five to seven hours. Thus, I am for the reason for a four day school week. Students can use the additional day to catch up on class work or rest. Schools often give students an incredible

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  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week Research Paper

    believe that local schools should not switch to a four-day school week. Though after recent debate on the topic research could sway some into a strong stance of changing school weeks to four days. One of the biggest argumentative stance is the financial situation of a school week. Although the financial situation is not the only thing to be argued about in reference to the change. My debate team also talked about the positive outcome of the parent’s schedule and the four-day school week and ____ When

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  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week Research Paper

    it comes to the school on the Four-Day school week, ”the schools with shorter weeks still kept the kids in class for the same number of hours”,because of the traditional Five-Day week,which means longer hours in the classroom. So what will be better? Four-Day or Five-Day school week? The problem is that schools think that the four-day week would be better for the kids because school districts looking to save time and money have switched to four-day weeks. That"'s why other school districts are changing

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  • Premium Essay

    Argumentative Essay: The Four-Day School Week

    Today, forty-three school districts and nine charters is expected to change to a four-day school week, but only ten school districts and two charters have actually only switched to the four-day school week. The four-day school week has been a very controversial problem. Currently, twenty-one states have school districts within them that have committed to the four-day school week, include Michigan, and Wisconsin. This has been caused by the lack of federal funding to school districts, in which, causes

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  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week Research Paper

    Schools should not go to a four day week. Schools need to stay on a five day week method. During the five day school week students prove to be more productive. Four day weeks do have welfare and hurtful origins, this includes better time management, disadvantages to pupils, and teachers need to have a say in the decision. Spread out over the four days the lost day results only in about ten extra minutes per class period (Harfield, Brian). Four day school weeks give you more time to sleep in

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  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week Research Paper

    A four-day school week is a new idea gaining popularity with students and teachers across the United States. The advantages of attending school only four days per week. The financial savings to districts that jump on the four-day per week thingy can be good, regardless of the size of the district. However, there are other benefits that serve as motivation for jumping on this new educational system. students feel the four-day school week provides an opportunity for extra rest and a less stressful

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  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week Research Paper

    Ah, doesn’t sleeping in on a Friday sound delightful? Well a four-day school week would allow that to happen. Students can get the best learning experience, teachers can teach to their full potential, and longer school days allow extra time for extended activities. Nobody would want to have students not succeed in school by having their brains crammed with academic information when their barely awake in their classes would they? Some students don’t learn as fast, so by changing the schedule,

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  • Premium Essay

    Four Day School Week Research Paper

    better. What is it? The four- day school week! I personally feel that a five-day school week has many cons, and is not helping, but hurting my education. Sturgis Williams Middle School would be greatly improved by switching to a four-day school week, helping students, teachers, and administrators alike. To begin with, Sturgis Williams Middle School’s costs will be greatly reduced by removing a day from the traditional school week length. Without one of the days of the school week, SWMS will not have

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  • Premium Essay

    4 Day School Week Research Paper

    Would you want a four day school week, or would you prefer a five day school week? Many experts say that schools should have a four day school week because it would allow students to have more time outside of school to do other activities. Others say that schools should not have a four day school week because students would get bored and tired with having longer classroom hours which would be necessary for the four day school week. Schools should be held four days a week and should have longer classroom

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