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    Linear Progr

    362 Chapter 9. Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations } a=b; fa=fb; if (fabs(d) > tol1) b += d; else b += SIGN(tol1,xm); fb=(*func)(b); Move last best guess to a. Evaluate new trial root. Sample page from NUMERICAL RECIPES IN C: THE ART OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING (ISBN 0-521-43108-5) Copyright (C) 1988-1992 by Cambridge University Press. Programs Copyright (C) 1988-1992 by Numerical Recipes Software. Permission is granted for internet users to make one paper copy for their own personal

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    God's Equation

    Leonhard Euler, the formula establishes the deep relationship between trigonometric functions and complex exponential functions. According to the formula, for any real number x, In the above formula, e is the base of the natural logarithm, i the imaginary unit. Cos and Sin are trigonometric functions (the arguments are to be taken in radians and not degrees.). The formula applies even if x is a complex number. Particularly with x = π, or half a turn around the circle, e^iπ = cos π + i sin

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    QUESTIONS FOR FINAL EXAM 1. What is control? 2. What is automatic control? 3. What is called as automatic control system? 4. What is the primary goal of automatic control? 5. What is called as object of management? 6. What is called as the operated size? 7. What is called as operating body? 8. What is called as a sensitive element? 9. What is the entrance and target sizes? 10. What is called as operating influence? 11. What is called as indignation

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    Vsm Method

    تطبيق على VSM systems على كيس شركة ABF Analysis of five internal VSM systems within ABF, gives me a clear view that these five internal VSM systems could help a company to manage complexity. The five internal VSM systems within ABF organization are: System 1: Operations There are there are three operational unites identified: Warehouse, transport and manufacturing unites of food products. System 2: Stability It is completely absent that the food market is filled with other competitors

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    Zac Bublitz Views of the Status of Women Throughout his letters to Heloise, Abelard emphasizes the importance and significance of intention within the body, heart and soul as opposed to physical actions and deeds. To Abelard, a person is defined more correctly by his or her true desire, feelings and intention spiritually in addition to his or her actions, rather than what he or she might say or appear to be. Abelard keeps true to this belief while considering the status of women. On the contrary

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    1.2 Complex Numbers 10. Evaluate the expression and write the result in the form [pic] (a) [pic] (b) [pic] (c) [pic] (d) [pic] (e) [pic] (f) [pic] (g) [pic] (h) [pic] 11. Given that [pic], find the values of p and q. 12. Find [pic] in the form [pic], where [pic] 13. If [pic] and [pic], find (a) [pic] [pic] (b) [pic] [pic] 14. Solve the following equation for the values of x and y: [pic] 15. Express the following complex numbers

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    Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

    single-variable polynomial with complex coefficients has at least one complex root. This includes polynomials with real coefficients, since every real number is a complex number with zero imaginary part. PROOF: This is an algebraic proof. I am doing this for a 2 degree polynomial . It can be extended for any degree polynomial. We know that the roots of a quadratic equation az 2 + bz + c = 0 are given by the formula irrespective of the fact whether a, b, c are real or complex numbers. Also it is clear

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    This is an essay about nothing in order to qualify for this site it must contain at least 250 words. So On the left-hand side above is the exponential statement "y = bx". On the right-hand side above, "logb(y) = x" is the equivalent logarithmic statement, which is pronounced "log-base-b of y equals x"; The value of the subscripted "b" is "the base of the logarithm", just as b is the base in the exponential expression "bx". And, just as the base b in an exponential is always positive and not equal

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    Functional Decomposition

    Section 4.3 Switching Algebra Functional Decomposition Alfredo Benso Politecnico di Torino, Italy Alfredo.benso@polito.it Why? Goal: • Translate a large and complex circuit into a network of small and simple circuits • Express a switching function of n variables as a composition of switching functions of less than n variables Motivation: • Reduce the complexity of simplification • Reduce the size of a circuit by finding common circuit elements Theoretical background: • Shannon’s Expansion Theorem

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    Network Science: Facebook

    It often feels like we make friends through random series of encounters, so you might think that social networks must look random too, however like we studied in this class they aren’t, The Network I chose is Facebook, the most popular social media platform with an estimate of 900 million monthly users. Most of you in this room are on Facebook, and for those of us who aren’t, you for a fact know someone on facebook. I chose facebook to write about because I feel like it is almost identical to

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