Ifrs Vs Us Gaap

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    Us Gaap vs Ifrs

    Comparison between U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards May 2013 © 2013 Grant Thornton LLP All rights reserved U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd Comparison between U.S. GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards 2 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6 International standards and the IASB .........

    Words: 95644 - Pages: 383

  • Premium Essay

    Ifrs vs Us. Gaap

    | IFRS | U.S. GAAP | Marketable Investment Security (STI)(The int. inc, realized G/L when sold, and div inc are reported in the I/S) | Same as GAAPExcept for the trading sec, it is called Held-for-trading sec.Quantitative (amount)/qualitative (managing) Disclosure: credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk. | Held-to-maturity sec (debt sec with intent to be owned)B/S: Amortized cost (FV- unamort. Discount/+ua. premium)I/S: No effect (except sold or disposed)Trading sec (debt/eq sec.—derivatives/shares)

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  • Premium Essay

    Ifrs vs. Us Gaap

    IFRS vs. GAAP Introduction The U.S. GAAP is accounting principles adopted by the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Over time SEC has been talking about moving these principles over to the IFRS, The International Financial Reporting Standard. “IFRS is an accounting standard that was developed by a not-for-profit group called the International Accounting Standard Board. (www.Ifrs.com)” This summary will give you a subject by subject look of some differences and similarities both the

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  • Premium Essay

    One Global Gaap: Ifrs vs. Us Gaap

    One Global GAAP: IFRS vs. US GAAP Acct 522 Current Topics in Financial Reporting Zhipeng Cao CIN: 300443421 Introduction The most influential accounting reporting criteria today is the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by and U.S Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). These two different accounting standards have various emphases. In short, IFRS states principles and it leaves the decision-making in everyday questions for accountants, while US GAAP consists of

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  • Premium Essay

    Ifrs vs Us Gaap in Lease

    Project In July, 2006, the Board voted to add to its agenda a project on lease accounting. The project will be conducted jointly with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and is expected to result in the publication of a joint discussion paper in 2008. The project will reconsider all aspects of lease accounting and is expected to fundamentally revise the way lease contracts are recognized in the financial statements of lessees and lessors. The Board directed the staff to establish

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  • Premium Essay


    US GAAP vs. IFRS The basics March 2010 Table of contents 2 5 7 8 11 13 14 16 18 20 26 28 31 33 35 38 40 42 43 44 46 47 Introduction Financial statement presentation Interim financial reporting Consolidations, joint venture accounting and equity method investees Business combinations Inventory Long-lived assets Intangible assets Impairment of long-lived assets, goodwill and intangible assets Financial instruments Foreign currency matters Leases Income taxes Provisions and contingencies Revenue

    Words: 19604 - Pages: 79

  • Premium Essay

    Gaap vs. Ifrs

    GAAP vs. IFRS Jose Vargas Phoenix Accounting 211 Dr. Freeman GAAP vs. IFRS Different accounting standards for business transactions are a problem in comparing financial results of different entities from different countries. As a solution, by our country accepting one standard, an international standard it would allow them to be assessed in a more comparable manner across the board. The United State of America with just a handful of other countries have in the past have used accounting

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  • Premium Essay

    Financial Reporting: the U.S. V Europe

    reporting under the IFRS standard while their branch in the United States is using US-GAAP. While the differences do not outweigh the similarities, GAAP and IFRS standards have caused some concerns in financial reporting. These concerns have led to the evaluation of these two reporting standards and the discussion on whether to move IFRS worldwide. This paper will outline a few of the differences between GAAP and IFRS as well as review the discussion of standardized reporting using IFRS. Introduction

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  • Premium Essay

    Gaap vs Ifrs

    GAAP vs IFRS GAAP vs IFRS: Opposing the Proposed Shift Kelsey Perez Author Affiliation There has been a growing demand over the past twenty years to unite the business world under one conceptual framework for reporting financial statements. Currently, there are two types of frameworks used throughout the accounting world. They are the General Accepted Accounting Principles ( GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the SEC is currently considering a shift from United

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  • Premium Essay

    Irfs vs Gaap

    IFRS vs. GAAP: Same or Different ACC407 January 27, 2013 Catherine McBride IFRS vs. GAAP: Same or Different The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) are working on nearly a dozen joint projects designed to improve both U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and ultimately make the standards fully compatible. But in the mean time, the two predominant accounting

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