Mars Inc

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    The Red Planet: A Trip To Mars

    Mars, also known as the “Red Planet”, is Earth’s closest neighbor, which is 225 million kilometers away. A trip to Mars would take 4-6 months. If a trip to Mars is successful as planned, the human would face many different challenges, and troubles. A number of troubles include that they would have to wear a full body suit because Mars's atmosphere is too thin, nevertheless humans would also face the possibility of running low on supplies, while it is possible to grow food with the soil on Mars (desolate)

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    Mercury: Surface Geology

    Mercury: Surface Geology Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, is covered in craters, like, there are craters everywhere. There's also a lot of dust and boulders all over the place. In short, Mercury is like if you go fill an empty fish tank with rocks and sand, then dig some holes in there. Mercury has a magnetic field that's about 1/100th that of Earth's, it was discovered by Mariner 10, a Muggle space contraption. The field is generated from inside the planet, just like with Earth, as opposed

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    Kepler Vs Galileo

    In the lab assignment this week, we were to choose two space missions to research. After exploring the two missions, we need to tell about what they did and what we have learned from them. There are so many missions that have given us great discoveries. However, after I looked into several of them I decided on the Kepler and Galileo missions. Both of these missions were extraordinary and gave astronomers many new insights into the universe we adore. First, we look at the Kepler Mission. Kepler spacecraft

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    the Earth. Later in the same order come Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Pluto is the most distant planet. If the are arranged in the order of size, the order would be ; 1. Jupiter, 2. Saturn, 3. Neptune, 4.Uranus, 5. Earth, 6. Venus, 7. Mars, 8. Pluto and 9. Mercury. The solar system has a diameter of 17,900 million kms. The nine planets can be grouped into two groups: 1. Small but high density planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars and 2. big but low

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    Abstract Art Exhibition

    .At the Compton Verney Museum in Warwichshire, an exhibition is currently installed called ‘What the Folks Say’. Artists have been invited to choose a folk artefact(s) and position the piece with another artefact, in a way that they feel is appropriate to the subject, to enhance and illumine the quality of the artpiece, to give it further depth of meaning and to add another dimension to the looking experience. For instance, Sarah Woodfine positions a childs commode next to a painting of a child

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    1024 | 7 | Venus | 4.8685 x 1024 | 8 | Mars | 6.4185 x 1023 | 9 | Mercury | 3.3022 x 1023 | 10 | Moon | 7.349 x 1022 | 11 | Pluto | 1.25 x 1022 | Volume of the Planets and the Sun | Rank | Name | Volume (cubic km) | 1 | Sun | 1.409 x 1018 | 2 | Jupiter | 1.43128 x 1015 | 3 | Saturn | 8.2713 x 1014 | 4 | Uranus | 6.833 x 1013 | 5 | Neptune | 6.254 x 1013 | 6 | Earth | 1.08321 x 1012 | 7 | Venus | 9.2843 x 1011 | 8 | Mars | 1.6318 x 1011 | 9 | Mercury | 6.083 x

    Words: 275 - Pages: 2

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    of the planet Mars we have collected five real life hurdles that could be a threat to sustaining life on a planet other than earth. This group only contains two people. I Josh Watson, and my wife Lesley Watson. We have both teamed up and have done separate research on this topic and combined our information together to compare and contrast. The first major issue would be Terra forming. Terra forming literally means “Earth Shaping”. To colonize Mars we would need to terra form Mars into a planet

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    Life on Mars

    There are several companies researching and exploring ideas on how to get to Mars. Space X is one of those companies they were founded in 2002. The Headquarters of Space X is located in Hawthorne, Ca. and they design, manufacture and launch advanced rockets and spacecraft’s. Space X, is short for Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, it is one of two private companies that NASA has contracted to transport cargo to the International Space Station. (Robertson, 2013) Space X can launch cargo

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    Project: Living on Another Planet/Green Building or City

    modern data on Mars, I attempted to outline the possibilities of colonization in my own perspective. One consideration is that not only is technology lifting mankind up into new heights, but we are on the verge of a new cooperation on a global scale. This cooperation that I am conveying is that world governments are now working together to eventually go to Mars. This exploration will be a culmination of data produced from the rovers that are currently sending data to us from Mars. (http://www.googleearth

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    John Carter - Astronomical Analysis

    humans), kills him. Carter inspects the body and finds a medallion which ultimately transports him to Mars, also known as Barsoon. Upon arriving on Mars, Carter finds that he has the ability to jump extraordinarily high and yields increased strength and speed due to the planets low gravity. Carter quickly becomes a prisoner shortly after to the Tharks (15 feet tall green martians), and discovers that Mars has been at war for thousands of years and is destroying the planet; the evil Zodangan led by Sab

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