Why Do People Resort To Violence

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    Corporal Punishment to Discipline Children

    the question, “Is there a better way to discipline my child other than physically hurting my child”. There have been many people who claim that corporal punishment is even good for children. “Corporal punishment, when used lovingly and properly, is beneficial to a child because it is in harmony with nature itself.” (Dobson, 2015) On the other side there are many people who claim that corporal punishment is not the best choice. Corporal punishment may become abuse, it can make a child more aggressive

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    The Morality Of Hate Speech

    For if you resort to using hateful speech you have already defeated your purpose of speaking. I feel this quote by Socrates is an essential component needed to get my point across. “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” The only thing vulgar words do is add more fuel to an already burning flame. If you perceive the way a person says, thinks, or does is not shown to be right or reasonable, you may respectfully state your opinion to them and give a reason as to why you support

    Words: 520 - Pages: 3

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    Hash Tag: Yes to Fraternity, No to Hazing

    don’t know, struck hard by a paddle or a hard object and felt the excruciating pain? Do you have any idea of how will you ever survive the bruises, wounds and lashes you will get? It will not only scar your skin and flesh but your mind and soul, beating you physically, mentally and emotionally and worst may lead to your death. Fraternity - the most conventional thing that people who have nothing to do in life resort to; the brotherhood that protects its foundation towards less sensible goals; and the

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    Why Crime

    selfish or getting revenge. Four specific reasons that crime occurs are hatred, revenge, poverty and peer pressure. In reality, the major predators to humans are other humans. In my opinion, another reason crime is more likely to happen be because people are exposed to so much crime and killing that they become desensitized. By the age of 18, we will have been exposed to thousands of graphic violent acts. Too many of us have become desensitized to it, not realizing the true effects of this type of

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    Why Children Join Gangs Essay

    single day many people do not bother to figure out what pushes them to do so. Most gang members tend to be adolescents. Originally, gang activity only existed in cities but are now also in the smaller towns. There are over 300,000 young adults in gangs in the United States. There are also more that are not accounted for. Young adults join gangs for many different reasons. They join not realizing what the group actually does. Many adults and parents do not approve nor understand why children join these

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    The National Problem with Juvenile Delinquency and Recidivism

    risk factors the juvenile faces the probability of offending increases. The major factors contributing to juvenile delinquency are individual factors, social factors, and community factors. Many people have tried to figure out and understand the factors that lead our youths to commit crimes and what can we do to prevent and rehabilitate them to keep them from committing these crimes again. Juvenile delinquency is one of the most important issues around the world today. Despite the social awareness

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    The Sustainability of Bws Under Philippine Laws

    case of People v. Genosa in 2004 was a landmark case that allowed for the Philippine laws to recognize a kind of self-defense that is exclusively for women. The recognition of Battered Women Syndrome (BWS) was not only considered a triumph for Women and Children’s Rights advocates but it was also an implied recognition of the insufficiency of laws protecting the rights of women and children in the country by the highest court of the land. Thus, three months after the promulgation of the People v. Genosa

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    Drug Legalization

    imposed to prevent its illicit distribution and consumption. However, it is not a secret for many of us that Humans have been using psychedelic drugs since the beginning of time, and laws to regulate these substances are rather a new concept. So, that is why we think this way of preventing drug use is not the right one, the reality is that the strategy of drug prohibition, not drug use itself, is largely responsible for almost the same social pathologies produced by the drug consumption; as poverty, crime

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    Mass Shooting Research Paper

    America’s issue of gun violence, but doing so is not the answer. Citizens have the right to own guns, most

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    Hate Crimes

    Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “ I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. For thousands of years one problem has plagued cultures around the world. Close-minded individuals have continued to try and push their way of thinking on others. When I group of people do not agree with the beliefs and values of others and resort to violence to enforce their way of thinking hate crimes happen. Hate crimes have been around for

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