difference between accrual-basis accounting and cash-basis accounting? The difference between the two types of accounting is when revenues and expenses are recorded. The accrual-basis and cash-basis are different because, accrual-basis is revenues and expenses incurred of cash collected or cash released. However, cash-basis is keeping accounts that includes as income received in cash and as expenses paid in cash. • Why would politicians prefer the cash basis to the accrual basis? Politicians
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The difference between the two types of accounting is when revenues and expenses are recorded. Accrual basis accounting is described as a company’s income, which is reported in the actual fiscal period the income is earned. It is reported no matter when the income is actually received and the expenses are subtracted in the fiscal period they are incurred regardless if they are paid or not paid. Cash-basis is better managed by a company who does not have many receivables to record. They are
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The difference between the two types of accounting is when revenues and expenses are recorded. Accrual basis accounting is described as a company’s income, which is reported in the actual fiscal period the income is earned. It is reported no matter when the income is actually received and the expenses are subtracted in the fiscal period they are incurred regardless if they are paid or not paid. Cash-basis is better managed by a company who does not have many receivables to record. They are
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put the federal government on the accrual basis of accounting. This is no small issue. If this basis were used, it would mean that billions in unrecorded liabilities would have to be booked, and the federal deficit would increase substantially. Instructions (a) What is the difference between accrual-basis accounting and cash-basis accounting? (b) Why would politicians prefer the cash basis over the accrual basis? (c) Write a letter to your senator explaining why the federal government should
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13 chapter TAX ACCOUNTING OBJECTIVES After completing Chapter 13, you should be able to: 1. List what are permissible tax years. 2. Explain the requirements for changing a tax year. 3. Identify the available accounting methods. 4. Understand the rules for accounting method changes. 5. Account for the capitalization of inventory costs. 6. Describe long-term contract reporting. 7. Defi ne the installment method of accounting. 13–2 CCH FEDERAL TAXATION—COMPREHENSIVE TOPICS OVERVIEW The
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Cover, Table of Contents and Formatting 3 Introduction 3 Independent Auditor’s Report 5 Management’s Discussion and Analysis 6 Basic Financial Statements 6 Government-wide Financial Statements 7 Fund Financial Statements 8 Government, Proprietary, and Fiduciary Funds – Financial Statements 10 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (SSAP) 14 Note Disclosure (other than SSAP and pension-related disclores) 19 Required Supplementary Information (RSI) 19 Combining and Individual Fund
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Management? Prepared by Jack Diamond1 May 2005 Abstract This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate. The Russian federal government has recently initiated a fundamental reform of its budget system, encompassing
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Chapter 1 The Government and Not-For-Profit Environment Questions for Review and Discussion 1. The critical distinction between for-profit businesses and not-for-profits including governments is that businesses have profit as their main motive whereas the others have service. A primary purpose of financial reporting is to report on an entity’s accomplishments — how well it achieved its objectives. Accordingly, the financial statements of businesses measure profitability, their key objective
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Student Name: ID Number: Student Name: ID Number: FinaNCIAL aCCOUNTING tHOERY FIN420 Assignment 1 FinaNCIAL aCCOUNTING tHOERY FIN420 Assignment 1 Case 3-8 IASB vs. FASB Conceptual Frameworks Q. Discuss the similarities and differences between the FASB and IASB conceptual frameworks with respect to the definitions of the elements of financial statements. INTRODUCTION At the October 2004 joint IASB-FASB meeting, the Boards agreed to add to their respective agendas
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Accountancy (profession)[1] or accounting (methodology) is the measurement, statement or provision of assurance about financial information primarily used by managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions within companies, organizations, and public agencies. The terms derive from the use of financial accounts. Accounting is the discipline of measuring, communicating and interpreting financial activity. Accounting is also widely referred to as
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