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    《表征——文化表象与意指实践》读书笔记 《表征——文化表象与意指实践》这本书中,重点在于前半部分对于文化的认识和对于意义的理解,以及语言作为表征的系统是如何运作的。               “意义永远是一种对话,永远只能部分的被理解,永远是不平等的交换。[1]所谓“只可意会,不可言传。”就是此意,而对于同一事物,不同的人“意会”角度与程度不尽相同,所以才导致理解差异与不平等。意义并不是被内在于事物中,它是被建构出来的,意义的产生经过媒介的生产表达。 而霍尔又提出“在所有这些不同的机构场合中,意义得以产生和循环的最具优势的一个‘媒介’就是语言。”[2]关于语言,语言是作为一个表征系统来运作的,各种语言都是“表征的系统”,所以表征即是通过语言产生意义。《牛津英语简明辞典》也给出此词的两个相关意义:第一,表征某物即描绘或摹状它;第二,表征还意味着象征、代表。这两个意义给我们提供了表征的范围,即具象和抽象。具象是头脑里具有所表征的事物的具体形象,

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    提高供应链协作成效的能力 摘要: 公司越来越多地依赖于外部组织的知识和专门技术来创新,解决问题,并改善供应链性能。本研究主要探讨两个功能,使公司能够将知识和专门技术在合作上主动结合起来作为成功合作的一种手段。基于公司的知识和关系的见解建设的两个的理论基础,我们检测了吸收能力和协作过程能力对主动合作成果上的影响。通过使用结构方程模型,我们根据经验验证吸收能力、 协作进程能力和业务和关系成功协作努力的参与程度的积极影响。结果表明,协作过程能力调解吸收能力之间的关系和合作参与,并积极影响业务和关系的结果。最后,我们提供管理人员改善公司间协作倡议的有效性,并讨论今后的研究机会的建议。 关键字:合作,吸收能力,协作过程能力,协同参与,供需关系,供应链管理,知识观、关系观,感知相互依存 1. 引言 过去十年,随着核心能力和企业内部的战略能力的发展,合作与其他外包(Gottfredson et al,2005年) 的重要性在上升。与供应商、 客户和甚至竞争对手协作共同创造解决问题的办法对与一家公司的经营战略和竞争优势 (Vargo 和 Lusch,2004年) 的来源越来越重要。我

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    Ipe, Ir

    重商主义早晚期代表人物及其主要观点: (1)早期重商主义贸易观点 • 代表人物是威廉·斯塔福 • 强调绝对的贸易顺差,即出口值超过进口值。主张采取行政手段,控制商品进口,禁止货币输出以积累货币财富。早期重商主义的这种思想被称为“货币差额论”或“货币平衡论” (2)晚期重商主义贸易观点 • 代表人物是英国经济学家托马斯·孟 • 晚期重商主义重视的是长期的贸易顺差或总体的贸易顺差,从长远的观点看,认为,在一定时期内贸易逆差是允许的,只要最终的贸易结果能够保证顺差,保证货币最终能够流回国内就可以。因此晚期重商主义的思想被称为“贸易差额论”或“贸易平衡论” 1. 要素丰裕度,要素密集度的概念: 要素丰裕度:衡量的是一个国家所拥有的经济资源的相对丰富性或者说一个国家经济资源的相对供给量。 要素密集度:衡量的是产品中的生产要素的投入比例。 2. 产业内贸易的核心内容 产业内贸易:既出口又进口同类产品的贸易模式(同一产业内部差异产品之间的贸易)。 3. 比较优势论的基本内容 国际贸易的基础并不仅仅局限于劳动生产率的绝对差别,只要各国间存在劳动

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    Business Terms

    What is a collocation? A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations may be unnatural and just sound "wrong". Look at these examples: Natural English... | Unnatural English... | the fast train fast food | the quick train quick food | a quick shower a quick meal | a fast shower a fast meal | Why learn collocations? * Your language will be

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    they'll be afraid to hear his curse at god's unholy Sunday-school arrangement, put him inside wire-mesh or worse, and sunbathe in the same sun on his hearse or perish if his bullet gets them first. [Cecil Gray] In a single word or short phrase, state what you consider to be the most dominant subject or idea that the poem communicates In a single sentence, state the theme or statement that the poem makes (implies) about the subject you selected. Identify and list

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    and more nuanced vocabulary. Correct grammar and hole words instead of abbreviation. There are also many subordinate clauses and it is complete sentences. Basketball (spoken language): In this text they use short sentences, it is like they are talking to a friend - Daily life vocabulary, "incorrect" grammar. Few subordinate clauses and unfinished sentences with a lot of repetitions. The word "and" -> listings, is one of the most used words in spoken language. There are also many contractions

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    Leisure Critical Analysis

    seven couplets. Even the words Davies uses throughout the poem are simple. One could argue that Davies uses simple words in order to broaden his audience. A more complex interpretation of Davies choice of simplicity relates to the naturalistic theme of the poem. Like the structure of the poem, the interactions with nature demonstrated in the poem such as watching “squirrels hide their nuts in grass” (6) are unsophisticated. By using a simplistic structure and a simplistic word choice Davies reinforces

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    Toeic1. Longman, Speaking

    SCRIPT_WARM UP RULE:  Dividing into three groups. We will give you 30s to name ur group (5-6 people in group)  5 person from the group will stand into the queue. The first person from one group will see a sentence which is written in the paper (5 seconds) and you have to read it to the next person. The last person hear it will have 10 seconds for thinking and after that the last person will go to the board and write down the sentence.  It has 5 sentences.  If your team get the sentence

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    Case Letter

    Holman’s A Handbook to Literature, the paragraph you constructed was comprised of another person’s words. However, this could have been avoided if you either cited or quoted C. Hugh Holman’s Handbook to Literature, or paraphrased using your own language. For future reference, if you like the way someone has written something and do not know how to properly paraphrase it, simply quote it word for word, giving credibility to the author. Another option is to write down your notes in your own language

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    Helath Information Management

    pretty well laid out. It defined the goal clearly and the format was clear and precise. The clarity of words was good and was at a level for everyone to understand. The formatting and content of the survey was consistent and all similar questions were formatted the same way. The survey had a variety of open-ended questions, where responders could answer freely in their own words and also structural questions, where your answers are limited to a “yes” or “ no”. Some questions

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