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Submitted By ramd20252093
Words 390
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Admission to Reception in September 2016
Parents must fill in this form when applying for a Foundation
Place at Wren Academy in addition to completing the form received from the local authority (e.g. London Borough of
Barnet). Please ensure you have read the Admissions Policy before you complete the form.

Send this form by 15 January 2016 to:
The Principal
Wren Academy
Hilton Avenue
North Finchley
N12 9HB


020 8492 6000

Information Form for admission to

Student Information
Surname of child .................................................................................................................................

First name and any other names ......................................................................................................
(please underline preferred name)

Date of birth ........................................................................................................................................
Names of any brothers or sisters already attending Wren Academy...........................................


Parent / Guardian Information
Name of parent(s) / guardian(s) ......................................................................................................
Home address .....................................................................................................................................
Home telephone ............................................

Daytime tel (if different) .....................................................

E-mail address .....................................................................................................................................

Complete Section C only if you regularly attend a Christian church and you wish to be considered for a Foundation Place.


Information about religion
Name and address of church ...........................................................................................................
Denomination (e.g. Church of England) ...........................................................................................................................
Name and address of minister who can confirm your attendance ............................................
NB: If you have changed church in the last two years, please also provide a reference on a copy of this form, or by letter, from your previous minister.

You must ask your minister to complete Section D before you return this form to the Academy.


Clergy Reference
The parents / guardians of the child named overleaf have applied for a place at
Wren Academy and have given your name as a referee. Would you kindly complete the questions in this section and sign below. Thank you for your help.
Is your church Anglican?

Yes / No

If no, is your church either a full or associate member of Churches Together in Britain and
Ireland or the Evangelical Alliance? Full member / Associate member (please circle)
Does the family attend church regularly? Yes / No
This is defined as attendance at church for your regular Sunday services for at least the previous two years, on at least two occasions per month.

Signed .....................................................................................

Date ............................................................

Print name .....................................................................................................................................
Church stamp or seal:


Declaration by parent / guardian
I wish to apply for a place in Reception for my child at Wren Academy for September 2016.

Signed .....................................................................................

Date ............................................................

Wren Academy Supplementary Information Form for Admission to Reception in September 2016

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