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A Brief Review Of Richard Wagamese's Indian Horse

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Pages 3
How would you feel if you got bullied every day by random people/parents in public? Saul’s journey through different hockey leagues in Ontario leads him to become an alcoholic. He is bullied, and mocked at games so he turned to alcohol. Also Saul had a hard childhood of watching other children commit suicide, which may have made him turn to alcohol. Lastly Saul’s parents left him with his grandmother so they could get his brother buried because he died from tuberculosis. Also his grandmother froze to death when they were caught in a storm and he was found by people who took him to a residential school.

The book Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese is about a kid named Saul that - in the beginning of the book - gets taken away from his family to go to a residential school. While there he sees a lot of bad things there including suicide, rape, and wrongful deaths of children. By the middle of the book a new priest comes to the school and shows Saul hockey and he loves the game. Saul gets noticed by Fred Kelly (a former residential school student) and gets drafted to the Moose junior B team coached by Fred. Later in the book Saul gets drafted again, to the Marlboros NHL team. Finally near the end of the book Saul quits hockey and starts doing regular work. …show more content…
In the book starting on page 124 a group of people watching the game heckled him with taunts like “‘Thirteen must be the mascot!’” and “‘No, no. That’s papoose. Thirteen’s their papoose!’”. But there was more heckling at other parts of the book

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