Premium Essay

A Look Into the Future


Submitted By kalskirata
Words 470
Pages 2
A Look Into the Future
Problem Solving
Prof. Brett Ernst

Have you ever wonder what making a phone call would be like in 2020? Or eating dinner with the family in 2050? What about doing homework in 2025 and 2125? Well I have some theories, a few of which aren’t too far-fetched, that I think you’d like to hear about…

In my opinion, in 2020 we’re not going to see many changes. However, at the same time, technology is changing every day! In the last 10 years we’ve seen phones go from landlines to cell phones, and most recently, making calls from our cars. In 2020 I could imagine where we have microchips in our ears and linked to our vocal cords. In doing so it enables us to hold conversations by just making vibrations in our throats and essentially be able to talk without being overheard. However, by doing so we would be faced with the technological problem of cyphering vibrations into words. While programming this product would take awhile, I believe it will be a hit.

I can also see some changes in how we interact with family at the dinner table in the years 2050 and on. I see the tables being lined with LEDs and digital screens playing videos, games, or streaming social media. Families would gather and watch their favorite movies on Netflix ® or chat about the most recent social media events. All in all, bringing families closer together physically so they can enjoy dinner together.

In 2025 I think homework will change a quite a bit. In the present day most homework/schoolwork is done online, where the instructor is either a computer program or a living teacher but from another area. In the year 2025 I believe we will be moving towards robots and robotic programs to teach us, as well as answer questions we may have. To some it may be difficult as some people need an actual person there they can relate with and learn strategies off of.

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