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Submitted By w5davis
Words 391
Pages 2
For this discussion I will be discussing what I think about the future of human society. Two of the biggest things that I think will happen in our future society that I can think of is that taboo will become reality and technology will become over powering to the point that society we know it will not be as we were.
When I think of all the changes in our society just over my short life here on earth I cannot imagine what it could look like in the future. I can remember where taboo was unspeakable and now with it becoming more and more as reality then that’s why I believe this will be one of the major changes in our society in the future. For example, look at how far that gay rights has come. Before there wouldn’t hardly be any support from politicians or celebrities, but now with all the support and so many folks has become so open minded it is making a change in our society. I will not state my own beliefs but I will say that although I understand it must be hard to be so confused but I don’t understand why it need national attention. I know that might sound ignorant to some so please excuse me but I just don’t understand where people like Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner should have so much attention for changing Gods creation and where police officer are slandered for protecting and serving.
When it comes to the future of our society and technology well I don’t know where to begin. With everyone becoming more and more technology friendly we as humans our becoming less sociable. If we keep on this path no telling how we will look in the future. Technology also has become so advance over the years it almost to the point where it is impossible to survive without it. If we keep up on this path it could control us instead of us controlling it (although a small possibility).
This is why I believe that two of the biggest things that I think will happen in our future society

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