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A Most Unusual Friendship


Submitted By illicitrity
Words 2966
Pages 12
A Most Unlikely Friendship
Lindsay Webb
ENG121 – English Composition
Brandon Bond
February 24, 2015

A Most Unlikely Friendship
It was spring of my last semester studying at a technical college. It has been a long 18 months and the chill of winter had just lifted. I found myself restless and lonely. I had left a long term relationship just before entering school. I had tried dating some, unsuccessfully. I had given up on finding a friend. When I least expected it the friend I wished for would enter my life. The friendship that would then develop between us was anything but ordinary. This friendship would turn out to be the biggest source of compassion and patience I had ever been afforded and it would also be most unconventional in all ways. He never gave up on me. Friendship, patience and love have the ability to heal a broken heart and save a lost and wandering soul.
I had recently returned to New Mexico. It was the place I had grown up in. A couple of years after graduation I decided to leave the small towns of south eastern New Mexico and set out for Arizona. I spent the next fifteen years in the desert sun and heat. I had no intention of returning to New Mexico for anything other than a brief visit here and there. I sometimes say, “Too much planning is poor planning.” What I mean by this was that when plans were made and expectations were set and everyone involved just knows this is going to best the best, it inevitably would be a disaster. Everything that can go wrong will.The end result will most likely be a car full of participants riding in an uncomfortable and tense silence. Each will be more excited and ready to be delivered home than they were to take part in the “best thing ever!” I guess I should have not been so sure that I would never return to New Mexico and find myself remaining here. Because here I am after a failed relationship and not a

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