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A Short History Of Progress By Ronald Wright

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Adam Nguyen
Is the progress of the human race our ultimate demise? The history of the human race and how far we have become since the start is a beautiful thing. But as beautiful as all the progress humans have made in society and just overall growth many believe it’s our ultimate downfall. There is a handful of philosophers believe the human races ignorance, selfishness, and carelessness will comeback and lead to human’s downfall. One of these philosophers is Ronald Wright and after reading his book A Short History of Progress I can see his point of view on this issue and a lot of it makes sense. In the book Wright shows how in the past civilizations progress sooner or later got wiped out by their own mistakes, which he believes that exact thing is happening …show more content…
Wright explains the meaning of progress and that with everything like technology having such big progress and the increasing growth of population in the twentieth century that it will cause implications later down the line for our environment and resources. In the book Wright also goes in the past to show us examples of this like Easter Island and Sumer both societies fell because they used up all their natural resources. A Short History of Progress is based off of three simple questions where did we come from? What are we? And where are we going? Making one think about what it means to be a responsible citizen and how as human beings we have to try and make a change otherwise we will be like all our past civilizations coming to our downfall because of our own blindness

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