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Accessibility Dental Care

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Accessibility to dental care is important to the general wellbeing of humans. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), oral health is associated with diabetes and heart diseases (Ship, 2003). Frequent access to dental care will prevents oral disease, promotes oral health and general wellbeing (Association, 2013; US Department of Health and Human Services, 2000). Unfortunately, a section of the population does not benefit from dental services due to income, distance, race, age and location (Guay, 2004). Compared to other health conditions, oral health receives less attention in health policy discourses, thus making it a potential health concern to a large number of people (Guagliardo, 2004; Institute of Medicine (IOM) and National …show more content…
Luo and Wang first used the model to measure areas of physician shortage (Luo & Wang, 2003). First, the models use physician location to identify all the population that is within a threshold distance of the physicians, and from this, a population-to-physician ratio is computed. In the second step, the models use each population location and identify all physician locations that fall within the threshold distance and sums up the ratio from step one. The summed ratio represents the accessibility index for each population locations to healthcare. The model was later modified to account for distance decay by incorporating kernel density with a Gaussian function (see: Wang & Luo, 2005; Luo & Whippo, 2012; McGrail, 2012). The 2SFCA model has successfully been used in measuring accessibility to healthcare in various studies. Luo and Wang (2003) used the floating catchment area to assess differences in spatial accessibility to primary care in Chicago. They used a range of travel times in the model to analyze the sensitivity of the result and found that areas closer to the city center had better accessibility than other areas. Luo and Whippo (2012) examined spatial accessibility to physicians in the ten-county region in Northern Illinois. Their work varied the catchment size and found a greater detail in spatial variability compared to the fixed catchment sizes. McGrail and Humphrey (2009) studied spatial accessibility to primary care in rural Australia. Their work provided differences in spatial accessibility at a much finer geographical scale. Langford, Higgs, and Fry (2012) explored accessibility to public transport services in the city of Cardiff, United Kingdom. Their works improves the Float Catchment Model by including proximity to bus stops, cumulative opportunities, and balance between service supply and demand. Their

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