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Adult Acne Treatments


Submitted By rgarcia
Words 301
Pages 2
Adult acne and teenage acne are similar in many ways, but they are different in significant ways as well. Mild teenage acne can usually be treated successfully with over-the-counter acne-fighting topical medications. They work well, but most of them have a drying effect. This drying effect isn't a problem for teenage skin but for adult skin, it is a problem.

If adult acne strikes, it is the best policy to see a dermatologist rather than treating it yourself. Dermatologists have a whole arsenal of adult acne-fighting tools at their disposal. They have topic medications that they can prescribe that will clear the acne but not dry the skin. They also have oral medications that can help to clear adult acne. It's important to note that the medications needed to clear up adult acne are usually much stronger than the products that are effective for fighting teenage acne.

Usually a "twentysomething" will be shocked to see acne on their faces. After all, they survived the teenage years without suffering from acne, unlike most of their friends. They really shouldn't be all that surprised, though. Acne will affect about 95% of the population who are between the ages of 12 and 25. The prime age for getting acne isn't over until you are on the shady side of your 20s ó and even then, it can crop up from time to time.

One of the main culprits of acne is hormonal imbalance. During problematic menstrual cycles, hormones are in disarray and acne is certainly a good possibility. Likewise, hormones are unstable during pregnancy and when starting or stopping birth control pills.
During any of these situations, acne is likely to develop. The good news is that once the hormones are again in balance, the acne will simply disappear.

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