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After The First Death Analysis

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Since events such as the September 11 attacks or the Boston Marathon bombings, citizens have feared the possibility of other major terroristic events. Those who are involved in the terroristic attacks are as young as nine years old and have been taught that these crimes were a way of living. Children are especially susceptible to this brainwashing. Those who are victims of a terroristic attack live with the pain, not only physically, but mentally for years after the event has even occurred. After the First Death, a novel by Robert Cormier, explores the vulnerability of impressionable youth and exposes the long term effects of a traumatic experience. Impressionable youth are deceived by the promise of becoming an adult once completing the …show more content…
Miro is especially subject to this when he is deceived by his hostage Kate. For Miro, Kate is supposed to be his first death (Cormier 18). This makes his relationship with Kate much more intense in his mind. Kate often is able to manipulate Miro, due to his impressionable mindset. Kate is able to convince Miro to leave the bus and stand outside. Her plan is that she will take the spare key she has hidden and put it in the ignition, close the doors, and drive the bus away to save the children. The difficulty being that the windows are covered in tape so she will have to go slow to ensure she gets off the bridge safely. Kate is only capable of doing this because of how easily manipulated Miro can be. Kate gets him off; however, the bus will not start and her heroic attempt is worthless (Cormier 118). By the end of the novel Artkin is shot and Miro escapes with Kate as a hostage. Miro is overwhelmed with guilt as he thinks that he is at fault for Artkin’s death; this guilt escalates as Kate convinces him that Artkin was his father. This ultimately leads to her death (Cormier 218-220). Miro’s innocence and impressionable mind has led him to believe Kate’s absurd accusation that Artkin is his father. Kate’s appearance taunts Miro into doing what she wants; Miro is disturbed after the death of their first victim, but at the same time is “intrigued by the sexual attraction he is feeling for …show more content…
The novel begins through the point of view of Ben, the General’s son. Ben was sent by his father to deliver information to the terrorist and try to negotiate with them. While doing so, he was unable to keep his composure, which ultimately leads to his shooting (Cormier) Ben “betrays” his father due to the torture Arkin, the head terrorist, is inflicting on him by revealing the time the troops would attack (Cormier 205-207). Ben describes the traumatic experience of the shooting he has endured and explains that he keeps thinking that he has a “tunnel in his chest” (Cormier 3). This is a description of the path the bullet has taken through him (Cormier 3). The pain Ben has experienced has left him feeling unwhole, something he thinks of quite often. This often happens to people after a traumatic experience. According to Katy Butler, author of “Researching PTSD: The Biology of Fear”, “People with PTSD complain of almost unbearable states of physiological arousal…sleeplessness...flashbacks”. In addition, “Rewriting Your Past”, by Gaia Vince, confirms this by stating, “whether triggered by a terrorist attack or a natural disaster....people with PTSD can be plagued by terrifying flashbacks and suffer crippling fear in reaction to reminders of their trauma”. This could be an explanation for what Ben is experiencing throughout the book. The

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