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Submitted By Gemjem
Words 3052
Pages 13
Abscissa - word for the x part of a coordinate pair.

Absolute value - The positive value of the indicated number or expression./an operation that tells you how far a number is from zero.

Additive inverse - Number with the same numerical part but the opposite sign (plus or minus) of the given number. If zero is the sum of two numbers, then these two numbers are additive inverses of one another

Area - the amount of space covered by a two-dimensional object./measure of a specified region in a plane.

Associative property - characteristic of addition and multiplication that allows the grouping of terms to change without affecting the result.

Asymptote - Boundary line that a graph gets infinitely close to but never actually touches.

Base - in the expression x to the second power, the base is x; x will be multiplied by itself two times./ value multiplied repeatedly in an exponential expression.

Binary operation - process requiring two values to produce a third value.

Binominal - two terms separated by addition or subtraction.

Bomb method - technique used to factor quadratic polynomials whose leading coefficient are not equal to 1; also called factoring by decomposition.

Circumference - distance around the outside of a circle.

Coefficient - number muliplied by a variable./ the number appearing at the beginning of a monomial; the coefficient of 12xy to the second power is 12.

Combinations - method of counting that tells how many ways a designated number of objects can be selected from a given set.

Common denominator - same value on the bottom of more than one fraction./ a denominator shared by one or more fractions; it must be present in order to add or subtract those fractions.

Commutative property - characteristic of addition and multiplication that allows the order of the values in an operation to be changed without affecting the result.

Completing the square - process used to solve quadratic equations by forcing them to contain binomial perfect squares.

Complex fraction - a fraction that contains (as its numerator, denominator, or both) another fraction; also called a compound fraction.

Composite number - whole number larger than one that isnt prime./ a number which has factors in addition to itself and 1.

Complex number - has a form a+bi, where a and b are real numbers; any imaginary or real numbers are both automatically complex as well.

Composition of functions - the process of inputting one function into another.

Compound inequality - one inequality statement that is actually the combination of two others, such as a<x<b.

Compound interest - method of earning interest on an entire balance, rather than just the initial investment.

Conjugate - The quantity a - bi associated with every complex number a + bi; the only difference between a complex number and its conjugate is the sign

immediately preceding the imaginary part, bi.

Constant - a number with no variable attached to it.

Constant of proportionality - real number that describes either direct or indirect variation.

Coordinate - part of an ordered pair that designates a points location on a coordinate plane.

Coordinate pair - The point (x,y) used to descibe a locatio in the coordinate plane.

Coordinate plane - grid used to visualize mathematical graphs.

Cramers rule - technique used to solve systems of equations using determinants of matrices.

Critical numbers - the values of x for which an expression equals 0 or is undefined.

Cross multiplication - method of solving proportions in which you multiply the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of the other and set those products equal.

Cube root - a radical whose index is 3.

Cubic - adjective that descibes an expression in which the highest power is three.

Decimal - fraction with an unwritten denominator of 10 indicated by the decimal point./ adjective describing the number system that is organized in increments of ten.

Degree - the largest exponent in a polynomial.

Degree of an angle - number of degrees between 1 and 360 that comprise the measure of an angle.

Degree of an expression - highest power occurring in the expression.

Denominator - the bottom number in a fraction.

Dependant - describes a system of equations with an infinite number of solutions.

Determinant (of a matrix) - real number value defined for square matrices only.

Diameter - longest distance across a circle.

Difference - result of subtraction.

Digit - numerals from zero through nine, so called because they were originally counted on the fingers.

Direct variation - exhibited when two values, x and y, have the property y = k times x, where k is a real number called the constant of proportionality.

Distributive property - characteristic of multiplication and addition that allows for the multiplication of each individual term in a grouped series by a term outside of the grouping without changing the value of the expression.

Dividend - the quantity a in the division problem a divided by b.

Divisible - if a is divisible by b, then a over b is an integer; in other words, there is no remainder.

Divisor - the quantity b in the division problem a divided by b.

Domain - the set of possible inputes for a function.

Double root - solution repeated once in a polynomial equation; its the result of a repeated factor in the polynomial.

Elements - the numbers within a matrix; in advanced matrix problems, elements may include variables, expressions, or even oter matrices. also called entries.

Equation - a mathematical sentence including an equal sign.

Equivalent fractions - fractions equal to one another, even though they may have different denominators.

Even - a number that is divisible by 2.

Exponent - in the expression x to the second power, the exponent is 2; x will be multiplied by itself two times.

Expression - mathematical incomplete sentence that doesnt contain an equal sign.

Factor - if a is a factor of b, then b is divisible by a.

Factorial - operation that multiplies a whole number by every counting number smaller than it.

Formula - rule or method that is accepted as true and used over and over in common applications.

Fraction - ratio of two numbers representing some portion of an integer.

Fundamental theorem of algebra - guarantees that a polynomial of degree n, if set equal to 0, will have exactly n roots.

Function - a relation whose inputs each have a single, corresponding output.

Graph - plotted figure in a plane.

Greatest common factor - the largest factor of two or more numbers or terms.

Grouping symbols - elements like parentheses and brackets that explicitly tell you what to simplify first in a problem.

Horizontal line test - tests the graph of a function to determine whether or not its one to one.

Hypotenuse - longest side of right triangle.

i - The imaginary value square root of -1.

Identity element - the number(0 for addition, 1 for multiplication) that leaves a numbers value unchanged when the corresponding operation is applied.

Imaginary number - has form bi, where b is a real number and i = the square root of -1.

Improper fraction - a fraction whose numerator is greater than its denominator.

Inconsistent - describes a system of equations that has no solution.

Indirect Variation - exhibited by two quantities, x and y, when their product remains constant even as the values of x and y change xy=k; also called inverse variation.

Inequality - a statement whose two sides are either definitely not equal (if the symbol is < or > ) or possibly unequal (same greater than and less than accept with lines underneath.

Infinite - without end; uncountable.

Integer - a number with no obvious fraction or decimal part.

Intercept - point on the x- or y- axis through which a graph passes.

Interval - segment of the number line, as defined by an inequality's critical numbers.

Inverse functions - functions which cancel each oter out when composed with one another ( f o g )(x) = (g o f)(x) = x.

Irrational number - a number that cannot be expressed as a fraction, whose decimal form neither repeats nor terminates.

Leading coefficient - the coefficient of the first term of a polynomial once its written in standard form; its term contains the variable raised to the highest power.

Least common denominator - the smallest possible common denominator for a group of fractions.

Like radicals - radical expressions that contain matching radicands and indices.

Like terms - terms containing variables that match exactly.

Line - all the points in the coordinate plane that satisfy a linear equation.

Linear - adjective describing expression or equation in which the highest power of any variable is one. constants can be higher powers. for example,x+y=4 is linear.

Linear equation - an equation of the form ax+by=c; its graph is a line in the coordinate plane.

Matrix - a group of objects called elements or entries (usually numbers) arranged in orderly rows and columns and surrounded with brackets.

Mixed number - a way to express an improper fraction that has an integer and fraction part written together.

Monomial - an expression with only one term.

Multiple - a number evenly divisible by a specific factor. for example, the numbers 14 and 21 are multiples of 7.

Multiplication property of zero - rule stating if the product of two numbers is zero, then one of the numbers must be zero.

Multiplicative inverse - also known as a reciprocal, one of two numbers whose product is one. the reciprocal of a number is that particular number in the denominator of a fraction with a value of one in the numerator.

Natural number - a number in the set 1,2,3,4,5,...

Negative - Describes a number less than 0.

Negative reciprocal - two numbers, one positive and one negative, whose product is a negative one.

Number line - graphing system with only one axis, used to visualize inequalities containing only one unique variable.

Numerator - the top number in a fraction.

Odd - a number that is not divisible by 2.

One to one - Describes a function whose inputs each have a unique output (no inputs share the same input value).

Operation - mathematical process, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, performed on one or more quantities.

Opposite - equals the given number multiplied by -l.

Order - describes the dimensions of a matrix; a matrix with m rows and n columns has order m times n.

Ordered pair - two values inside parentheses and separated by a comma that indicate the position of a point in the coordinate plane.

Ordinate - word for the y part of a coordinate pair.

Origin - point of intersection of the x axis and y axis in a coordinate plane.

Parallel - describes non intersecting lines; technically, they also have to be in the same plane, but all lines you draw in elementary algebra can be assumed coplanar. Parallel lines have the same slope.

Percent - fractions with a denominator of 100. the percentage is the numerator of the fraction- how many out of 100.

Perfect cube - generated by some quantity multiplied by itself twice; b to the third power is a perfect cube since b times b times b equals b to the third power.

Perfect square - generated by some quantity multiplied by itself. a to the second power is a perfect square because a times a equals a to the second power.

Perimeter - distance around a two dimensional object (the sum of the legths of its sides).

Permutation - counting method that determines the number of ordered arrangements there are when a certain number of objects are selected from a given set.

Perpendicular - describes lines which intersect at right, or 90 degree, angles; technically, they also have to be in the same plane, but all lines you draw in elementary algebra can be assumed coplanar. Parallel lines have slopes which are opposite reciprocals of one another.

Piecewise-defined function - made up of two or more functions that are restricted according to input; each individual function that makes up the

piecewise-defined function is valid for only certain x input values.

pi - a letter from the greek alphabet, that refers to the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. it is approximately 3.14.

Polynomial - the sum of distinct terms, each of which consists of a number, one or more variables raised to an exponent, or both.

Positive - describes a number greater then 0.

Power - value of an exponent indicating the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.

Prime - a number or polynomial divisible only by itself and 1.

Prime factorization - process of finding the prime numbers that, when multiplied together, produce a given composite number.

Principal - the amount of money you initially deposit in an interest problem.

Principal square root - positive number that when multiplied by itself produces a given positive number. for example, the square roots of 25 are 5 and -5, but the principal square root of 25 is only 5.

Product - the result of a multiplication problem.

Proper fraction - fraction whose value is less than one. the numerator is always smaller than the denominator.

Property - a mathematical fact that is so obvious it is accepted without proof.

Proportion - equation that sets two fractions equal, such as a over b equals c over d.

Pythagorean theorem - formula specific to right triangles stating that the hypotenuse (c) squared is equal to the sum of the squares of the remaining sides (a and b): a to the second power plus b to the second power equals c to the second power.

Quadrant - one of four regions in a coordinate plane defined by the x axis and y axis.

Quadratic - also known as second degree, expression or equation in which the highest power is two. the degree is two.

Quotient - the result of a division problem.

Radius - distance from the center of a circle to its outer edge; half its diameter.

Range - the set of possible outputs for a function.

Rational number - describes something that can be written as a fraction (or a terminating or repeating decimal, if its a number).

Rationalizing the denominator - the process of removing all radical quantities from the denominator of a fraction.

Real number - any number (weather rational or irrational, positive or negative) that can be expressed as a single decimal.

Reciprocal - defined as one divided by the given number-the product of a number with its reciprocal always equals 1; the reciprocal of a fraction equals the fraction flipped upside down.

Rectangle - four sided plane figure with all right angles; its opposite sides are equal to one another in length.

Reduce - process in which a common factor of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is divided out, leaving an equivalent fraction.

Relation - a rule that pairs inputs with outputs.

Relatively prime - two numbers that have no factors in common other than the number one.

Remainder - value that is left over when one number is divided by another.

Right angle - 90 degree angle.

Right triangle - three sided plane figure with a 90 degree angle (right angle).

Root - value that multiplied by itself a number of times results in the value or number wanted, such as two is the root of four because two multiplied by itself produces four.

Rounding - approximating value to the nearest digit or decimal place, such as rounding 14.9 up to 15.

Scalar - a real number; usually used when discussing matrices to highlight the fact that the number is not part of the matrix.

Scientific notation - a standard way of writing very large and very small numbers as the product of two values a number between one and ten and a power of ten.

Semiperimeter - half the perimeter.

Sign - symnol indicating whether a value is positive (+) or negative (-).

Simplify - to combine all that can be combined and put an expression in its most easily understandable form.

Slope - number describing how "slanty" a line is; its equal to the lines vertical change divided by its horizontal change.

Slope-intercect form - describes a linear equation solved for y:Y =mx+b, where m is the slope and (0,b) is the y intercept of the line.

Solution - Values that, if substituted for the variable(s) of an equation, make that equation true.

Solve - find the answer or what number the variable stands for.

Square matrix - a matrix wit an equal number of rows and columns; in other words, the matrix has order n times n.

Square root - a radical whose index is 2.

Standard form (of a line) - requires that a linear equation have form ax+by=c, where a,b and c are integers and a is non negative (either positive or 0).

Substitution - replacing a variable or expression with an equivalent value or expression.

Sum - result of addition.

Surface area - the amount of "skin" needed to cover a three dimensional object, neglecting its thickness.

Symmetric property - if the sides of an equation are reversed, the value of the equation is unchanged; in other words, if a=b then b=a.

Synthetic division - technique for calculating polynomial quotients thats applicable only when the divisor is of the form x-c, where c is a real number.

System of equations - a group of equations; you are usually asked to find the coordinate pair or pairs which represent the solution or solutions common to all the equations in the system.

Terminating decimal - a decimal that is not infinitely long.

Terms - the clumps of numbers and or variables that make up a polynomial.

Test point - a coordinate used to determine which of the regions of a linear inequality or system of linear inequalities is the solution.

Trinomial - expression with three terms. each term is separated from the others by addition or subtraction.

Undefined - describes a number whose denominator is 0 but whose numerator is not.

Value - a numeric equivalence or worth of an expression or variable.

Variable - letter used to represent a number.

Vertex (of an absolute variable graph) - sharp point at which the graph changes direction.

Vertical line test - tests the graph of a relation to see whether or not its a function.

Volume - the amount of three dimensional space inside an object.

Whole number - a number in the set 0,1,2,3,4,5,...

x axis - horizontal line on the coordinate plane with equation y=0

y axis - vertical line on the coordinate plane with equation x=0.

Zero product property - if the product of two or more quantities equals 0, then one of those quantities must have a value of 0.

Zeros (of a function) - the x values at which the corresponding f(x) value equals 0; graphically speaking, the zeros are the x intercepts of the function.

Last edited by TRAINEDANDWAITING; 06-17-2009 at 06:23 PM. Reason: spacing

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Algebra 1

...Algebra I Quarter 3 Exam Name/Student Number:__________________________ Score:_______/________ Directions: For each question show all work that is required to arrive at the solution. Save this document with your answers and submit as an attachment to be graded. Simplify each expression. Use positive exponents. 1. m3n–6p0 2. a 4 b 3 ab 2 3. (x–2y–4x3) –2 4. Write the explicit formula that represents the geometric sequence -2, 8, -32, 128 5. Evaluate the function f (x)  4 • 7x for x  1 and x = 2. Show your work. 6. Simplify the quotient 4.5 x 103 9 x 107 . Write your answer in scientific notation. Show your work. Simplify the expressions. Show your work. 7. 3x(4x4 – 5x) 8. (5x4 – 3x3 + 6x) – ( 3x3 + 11x2 – 8x) 9. (x – 2) (3x-4) 10. (x + 6)2 Factor each expression. Show your work. 11. r2 + 12r + 27 12. g2 – 9 13. 2p3 + 6p2 + 3p + 9 Solve each quadratic equation. Show your work. 14. (2x – 1)(x + 7) = 0 15. x2 + 3x = 10 16. 4x2 = 100 17. Find the roots of the quadratic equation x2 – 8x = 9 by completing the square. Show your work. 18. Use the discriminant to find the number of real solutions of the equation 3x2 – 5x + 4 = 0. Show your work. A water balloon is tossed into the air with an upward velocity of 25 ft/s. Its height h(t) in ft after t seconds is given by the function h(t) = − 16t2 + 25t + 3. Show your work. 19. After how many seconds will the balloon hit the ground? (hint: Use the...

Words: 280 - Pages: 2

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Algebra Test

...Algebra 2 Honors Name ________________________________________ Test #1 1st 9-weeks September 2, 2011 SHOW ALL WORK to ensure maximum credit. Each question is worth 10 points for a total of 100 points possible. Extra credit is awarded for dressing up. 1. Write the solutions represented below in interval notation. A.) [pic] B.) [pic] 2. Use the tax formula [pic] A.) Solve for I. B.) What is the income, I, when the Tax value, T, is $184? 3. The M&M’s company makes individual bags of M&M’s for sale. In production, the company allows between 20 and 26 m&m’s, including 20 and 26. Write an absolute value inequality describing the acceptable number of m&m’s in each bag. EXPLAIN your reasoning. 4. Solve and graph the solution. [pic] 5. Solve and graph the solution. [pic] 6. Solve. [pic] 7. Solve. [pic] 8. True or False. If false, EXPLAIN why it is false. A.) An absolute value equation always has two solutions. B.) 3 is a solution to the absolute value inequality [pic] C.) 8 is a solution to the compound inequality x < 10 AND x > 0. 9. Solve for w. [pic] 10. You plant a 1.5 foot tall sawtooth oak that grows 3.5 feet per year. You want to know how many years it would take for the tree to outgrow your 20 foot roof. A.) Write an inequality that defines x as the number of years of growth. B.) Determine the number of years, to nearest hundredth, it...

Words: 258 - Pages: 2

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Linear Algebra

...SCHAUM’S outlines SCHAUM’S outlines Linear Algebra Fourth Edition Seymour Lipschutz, Ph.D. Temple University Marc Lars Lipson, Ph.D. University of Virginia Schaum’s Outline Series New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2009, 2001, 1991, 1968 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-154353-8 MHID: 0-07-154353-8 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-154352-1, MHID: 0-07-154352-X. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative please e-mail us at TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies,...

Words: 229129 - Pages: 917

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A Brief Look at the Origin of Algebra

...A Brief Look at the Origin of Algebra Connie Beach Professor Clifton E. Collins, Sr. Math 105: Introduction to College Mathematics May 22, 2010   Abstract In this paper we look at the history of algebra and some of its different writers. Algebra originated in ancient Egypt and Babylon around 1650 B.C. Diophantus of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician, and Abū ʿAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, a Persian mathematician from Baghdad, astronomer and geographer, shared the credit of being the founders of algebra. Diophantus, who is known as the “father of algebra”, carried on the work of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians, but the word Algebra actually came from the word al-jabr, which is from al-Khwārizmī’s work, Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabala. The algebraic notation had gone through 3 stages: rhetorical (or verbal), stage, syncopated (use of abbreviated words) stage, and symbolism (the use of letters for the unknown) stage. As a matter of fact, the algebra that we know of today began during the 16th century, even though its history shows that it began almost 4000 years ago.   A Brief Look at the Origin of Algebra I have always had a love for math. My favorite math class was Algebra; in fact, I had taken Algebra I, II, III, and IV all through high school, and aced every class. I can just look at a problem and know the answer. Then, I returned to college after 30 years, and took an Intro to College Math class. I wasn’t sure if I still remembered what I had learned...

Words: 842 - Pages: 4

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Algebra Strategies (Not Mine)

...Algebra I Suggested Teaching Strategies The curriculum guide is a set of suggested teaching strategies designed to be only a starting point for innovative teaching. The teaching strategies are optional, not mandatory. A teaching strategy in this guide could be a task, activity, or suggested method that is part of an instructional unit. It should not be considered sufficient to teach the competency and the associated objective(s); the teaching strategy could be one small component of the unit. There may not be enough instructional time to utilize every strategy in the curriculum guide. The 2007 Mississippi Mathematics Framework Revised includes the Depthof-Knowledge (DOK) level for each objective. As closely as possible, each strategy addresses the DOK level specified for that objective or a higher level. Suggestions or techniques for increasing the level of thinking may be included in the strategy(ies). In addition, the process strands (problem solving, communication, connections, reasoning and proof, and representation) are included in the strategies. The purpose of the suggested teaching strategies is to assist school districts and teachers in the development of possible methods of organizing the competencies and objectives to be taught. Since the competencies and objectives require multiple assessment methods, some assessment ideas may be included in the strategy. October 2007 2007 Mississippi Mathematics Framework Revised Strategies Comp. 1 2 Obj. a g ...

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