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Submitted By precious0798
Words 468
Pages 2
Bone Fractures * A break in a bone

Types of bone fractures 1. Closed (simple) fracture – break that does not penetrate the skin 2. Open (compound) fracture – broken bone penetrates through the skin

* Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization - Realignment of the bone

Repair of Bone Fractures * Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed * Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus * Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus * Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch

The Axial Skeleton * Forms the longitudinal part of the body * Divided into three parts * Skull * Vertebral column * Bony thorax

The Skull * Two sets of bones * Cranium * Facial bones * Bones are joined by sutures * Only the mandible is attached by a freely movable joint

Paranasal Sinuses
- Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity

Functions of paranasal sinuses
- Lighten the skull
- Give resonance and amplification to voice

The Hyoid Bone
- The only bone that does not articulate with another bone
- Serves as a moveable base for the tongue

The Fetal Skull
- The fetal skull is large compared to the infants total body length
The Fetal Skull

Fontanelles – fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones
- Allow the brain to grow
- Convert to bone within 24 months after birth

The Vertebral Column
- Vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs
- The spine has a normal curvature
- Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location

The Bony Thorax
- Forms a cage to protect major organs

Made-up of three parts
1. Sternum
2. Ribs
3. Thoracic vertebrae

The Appendicular Skeleton
1. Limbs (appendages)
2. Pectoral girdle
3. Pelvic girdle

The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle
• Composed of two bones
1. Clavicle – collarbone
2. Scapula – shoulder blade
• These bones allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement

Bones of the Upper Limb
1. The arm is formed by a single bone
- Humerus

2. The forearm has two bones
- Ulna
- Radius

3. The hand
- Carpals – wrist
- Metacarpals – palm
- Phalanges – fingers

Bones of the Pelvic Girdle
a. Hip bones
- Composed of three pair of fused bones
1. Ilium
2. Ischium
3. Pubic bone

• The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
• Protects several organs 1. Reproductive organs 2. Urinary bladder 3. Part of the large intestine

The Pelvis
• The Pelvis: Right Coxal Bone
• Gender Differences of the Pelvis

Bones of the Lower Limbs
1. The thigh has one bone
- Femur – thigh bone
2. The leg has two bones
- Tibia
- Fibula
3. The foot
- Tarsus – ankle
- Metatarsals – sole
- Phalanges – toes

Arches of the Foot
• Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches
- Two longitudinal
- One transverse

• Articulations of bones
- Functions of joints
- Hold bones together
• Allow for mobility
• Ways joints are classified
- Functionally
- Structurally

Functional Classification of Joints
1. Synarthroses – immovable joints
2. Amphiarthroses – slightly moveable joints
3. Diarthroses – freely moveable joints

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