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Ancient China


Submitted By demetriusraines
Words 1442
Pages 6
Demetrius Raines Strayer University World Cultures I Professor Peacock 2 December 2013 Ancient Chinese Inventions
What do you think about when you think of Chinese contributions and inventions? This paper will show that, the contributions of ancient Chinese culture dates back thousands of years. It is known that China has an ancient and well known history which traces back to Chinese culture. Ancient Chinese inventions and contributions have contributed to America’s society by helping jobs to exist, fighting wars and the everyday life of a modern society today.
Ancient China has contributed to ancient and modern society in many ways. I will identify nine of ancient China contributions and inventions that we still use today. Row Planting was the planting of crops in rows sometime in the 6th century. This technique allows the crops to grow faster and stronger. Farmers normally would adhere to this. The Seed Drill was another invention that was used in 202 BC – 220 AD. The Seed Drill is used to plant seeds into the soil at a uniform depth and covers it. I’m pretty sure this has save abundant amounts of time out in the fields. Many years ago and in modern time, people planted and grew all their vegetables. Not to mention if someone does not grow it, we will not have it. Growing is the only way to produce fruits and vegetables, so this invention in a good one. Toilet paper was another invention and great contribution. One of the first recorded accounts of using hygienic paper was during the Sui Dynasty in 589. In ancient Chinese history, I recall the wealthy or the upper class was none to use toilet paper for hygienic purposes. People today use toilet paper all over the world.
In China Alcohol is called “The Water of History”. The stories of alcohol can trace back to every period in China’s history. In ancient China alcohol was used as a sacred liquid only when people made sacrificial offerings to heaven or earth it was used. Now currently in most cultures alcohol always accompanies delicious dishes, when people first meet and at reunions. As I read about ancient China’s contribution of alcohol, I have noticed that alcohol was used for a variety of reasons. Alcohol was said to be used by the Shang Dynasty 1600 BC-1046BC. The tea production began in 2,737BC. The name Shennong, who name means divine farmer. He is considered the ancient Chinese father of Agriculture whom is honored with the discovery of tea. It has been mentioned that the ancient China invention came about from Shennong’s boiling water under a Camellia tree. As the water boiled, the tea leaves began to fall. The tea leaves fell into his boiling water without him noticing. When he took a drink he then realized that the leaves had fallen in his boiling water. This began the era of tea production. To add further, it is known to have been a Chinese inventor who created the tea shredder. A small device that used a sharp wheel in the center of a ceramic or wooden pot would slice the leaves into thin strips.
Umbrellas have a history of more than 2,000 years in China. The earliest umbrella was made of silk and later umbrellas made of paper became popular. The frames of umbrellas were made from bamboo or mulberry bark. The frames are made of bamboo which symbolizes longevity. The round shape means reunion and happiness. The color red which umbrellas are normally painted, symbolizes wealth and vigor. The umbrella in ancient China is not only a day to day appliance, but also with sociological significance. The umbrella was used in ceremonies. In these ceremonies the color of the umbrella was determined as a significance of wealth. The invention of the bristle toothbrush came about in China around 1498. The first true tooth brush was describe as a cattle bone handle embedded Siberian pig hair bristles. The concept of the bristle toothbrush has not changed since its accurance. Paper Money evolved around the 9th century. The flow of currency in today’s society is paper money. Paper money consist of paper bills cut to a certain spec. Each bill holds a different value. Acupuncture was a Chinese system that became one of the healing options dating back to 1970. Silk would be my last Chinese invention. Silk traces back 2,100 years ago. China is known today to still be the largest producer.
Ancient China has been good to America. America has continued to grow and develop thanks to ancient China. I believe four of the Chinese inventions I have chosen are the most ingenious and innovative to our society today. The toothbrush is a significant oral hygiene product that is used throughout the world. Toothbrushes date back to 1498 in China. This invention I would agree has helped the fight on gingivitis and other oral diseases. I don’t know what the American society would do if we did not have this great invention to help keep children and families oral disease free.
The practical umbrella is another invention I believe to be a great invention. Umbrellas are used for protection from the sun and from the rain. The world has taken this invention to another level. Currently, there are all types of umbrellas. The classic umbrella which date back several generations has an easy open and close mechanism. Automatic Umbrellas have an automated mechanical design which enables opening and closing with one hand. They are often small and compact. Pocket umbrellas which are small and compact. Pocket umbrellas are made to be lightweight and portable. High wind umbrellas are made from reinforced material that can withstand more extreme qualities of rain and wind speeds. You walk on our beaches today and there are gigantic umbrellas everywhere. Umbrellas also help against skin diseases such as skin cancer from the sun.
China is one of the most important tea-producing countries. The written history of tea consumption dates back to thousands of years. In ancient China tea was originally used as medicine. It has slowly shifted towards being viewed as a tonic, and then as a beverage. China together with India is one of the two largest producers and consumers of tea. Different styles of tea originated in China. China produces and consumes black, green, white, oolong, and pu-erh teas, as well as the less well-known yellow teas. There are countless of different styles of tea, both ancient and modern.
When traveling, knowing what direction you are traveling is a valuable piece of information. You can use this information to help you find your way or guide you a safe return to your starting point. This ancient Chinese invention is a compass. The first compass design was not designed for navigation but to order and harmonize the Chinese environments. Another type of early compass exhibited an entirely different design. The Chinese determined direction with a device consisting of a wooden fish containing a magnetized needle placed in a bowl filled with water. Both fish and spoon type compasses paved the way for more precise instruments. These instruments are now used to navigate the ocean seas, city and highway traveling and also air transportation. Construction is going up so fast in our communities and cities it is almost impossible to rely on landmarks.
In conclusion, the invention that I cannot live without is toilet paper. Where would we be without it? Can you imagine your everyday life without it? Toilet paper is a vital sanitary piece of material that we greatly need in our everyday lives. There are many types of toilet paper. We have a lot of choices we can choose toilet paper, by cost, style, color and softness. There are two categories of toilet paper, toilet paper made from trees and toilet paper made from recycled paper. I could not imagine being in a public restroom and not having an option to use toilet paper. Toilet paper is a time saver for men and women. Toilet paper is also a multipurpose material that is biodegradable. It being biodegrade helps with the frustration of clogged commodes running over from too much toilet paper. However, toilet paper is an important invention. Not just because it practical, but is also hygienic
1. Karasick, J., & Mandell, P. (2003) Ancient Chinese Inventions. School Library Journal, 49(11),66. 2. Bubba Tea. (2004). Harper’s Magazine, 309(1854), 21-22 3. Made in China, Ideas and Inventions from Ancient China (Book). (2004) Connect Magazine, 18(2), 19. 4. Do We Need to Redefine the Top Four Inventions? (2008). Beijing Review, 51(35), 44-45

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