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Animal Farm Rights

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Many people take for granted the rights that they are given. The ability to live, buy and do whatever a person wants is a right that many people around the world take for granted. Places in the world like North Korea do not have those rights, and in the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, the animals struggle under a dictatorship where rights are limited. The following three paragraphs will include, how the novel Animal Farm written by George Orwell portrays a farm in which there is a need for natural and human rights, the reality of North Korea, where conditions are poor and human rights are minimal, and how George Orwell was trying to warn his audience of the future.

In Animal Farm, Orwell creates a farm where the animals have a need …show more content…
He strips the animals of their rights and makes himself superior to all the other animals. In the novel it stated, “So it was agreed without further argument that the milk and windfall apples (and also the main crop of apples when they ripened) should be reserved for the pigs alone” (Orwell 36). In this scene, the animals argue about the milk and apples only going to the pigs, and then, they agree that the other animals would not have any apples and milk and that they would go solely to the pigs. When Orwell wrote “and also the main crop of apples when they ripened,” it shows that the pigs begin to dominate the main population by not only taking the windfall apples, but the rest of them as well. Another example of the way the animals’ rights are withheld occurs when Squealer explains to them the reason why Napoleon makes all of the decisions. Squealer states, “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. …show more content…
The elections in North Korea are a facade. They are done so that other countries believe that the people do have a choice and freedom.“The election is designed to perpetuate the one-party system because only one candidate is nominated by the Party of each electoral district, and voters are asked to cast only ‘aye’ or ‘no’ votes[...]voters have no choice but to cast an ‘aye’ vote because Party officials are watching. If anyone abstains from voting, or votes ‘no’, then he or she will be branded a counter-revolutionary and sent to one of the political prisoners’ camps” (“North Korea’s” 2). The government sees everything and watch the citizens, because of this, the citizens have no choice in who they vote for. If they do oppose, then they will be punished and sent away. North Korea’s government restricts their citizens’ freedom. Certain people who are not considered normal in North Korea have even less rights than those who are normal. “Pyongyang authorities ordered all handicapped persons, such as blind and deaf persons, hunchbacks, and mental patients to move, with their families from Pyongyang to remote places...they are confined there surrounded by double-stranded barbed wire fences. They are forbidden to contact ordinary people in the outside world. They are also forbidden to marry or to give birth to a child” (“North Korea’s” 4). The disabled people of Pyongyang are restricted and confined to

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