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Animal Testing Harmful

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Is cruelty to animals the only way? Animal cruelty is unacceptable, unfair, and needs to be stopped right away. It has increased in the past thousands of years and many groups like ”Animal Welfare Advocates” have been working hard to end brutal and suffering experiments. Animal testing is cruel, unfair and animals are just as important as any other life on this earth so people should protect them, they can find alternative ways to test products, and it is not always the same reaction between animals and humans.
Animals can still feel pain and stress from being in cages, no matter how careful the researchers are (Watson 39). Some scientists do not use pain medicines or shots to help calm the animals. Since animals being in cages is extremely harmful and …show more content…
For example, Researchers have figured out how to test chemicals/drugs on cells in test tubes to see how it responds, without having to harm an animal or a human (Watson 42).Not many people know about the alternative ways and how helpful it can be. Encouraging other people about this will someday help all these animals that are suffering. Artificial skin and computer models are a great alternative ways of testing. Harming animals is not the only way to experiment and test products, there are alternative ways to prevent suffering and death of innocent animals. If using the advances is successful, then the researchers would not have a reason to use animals. “There is no evidence that animal experiments were essential in making major medical advances, and if enough money and resources were devoted to animal-free alternatives, other solutions would be found” (Murnaghan). Money and resources are a big part of experimental projects and most cases animal testing is much more expensive than alternative advances. The government has plenty enough of money, but they give a very low amount to stop animal testing and also support the cruelty-free

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