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Submitted By oktavianus
Words 310
Pages 2
) What environmental issues does the New Belgium Brewing Company work to address? How has NBB take strategic approach to addressing these issues? Why do you think the company has taken such a strong stance toward sustainability?

New Belgium Brewing Company strives to take an environment friendly approach to their manufacturing process and facility, focussing on reducing their carbon footprint and energy usage.

They were the first-ever American brewery to fully incorporate a wind turbine as a power source versus the burning of coal. Other approaches included the addition of a steam condenser to recycle hot water for use around other areas of the plant and sun tubes which utilize natural sunlight to light the plant. Furthermore, their used hops and barley are saved for the use of feeding area livestock instead of being wasted. Employees are also encouraged to be individually conservative by riding their gifted “cruiser bikes” to and from work.

It is our belief that the founder, Jeff Lebesch’s own personal values and love of the outdoors contributed to the company’s strong stance on sustainability. A long side that is the fact that adopting such sustainability measures will help to increase their bottom line.

2) Do you agree that New Belgium’s focus on social responsibility provides a key competitive advantage for the company? Why or why not?

We believe that New Belgium’s emphasis on social responsibility provides a key competitive advantage for their company. New Belgium showcases their commitment to being a socially responsible company in their ten company values and beliefs. Nearly all companies have values and beliefs, but few take an approach similar to New Belgium.

In their company’s values and beliefs, New Belgium does not only focus on monetary issues. They touch on a variety of topics that are socially responsible orientated.

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Research Paper

...Graduate School of Development Studies POP POLITICS: Popular culture as a democratic space for active citizenship among Filipino youth A Research Paper presented by: Marie Angelie Resurreccion Philippines in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of MASTERS OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Specialization: Children and Youth Studies (CYS) Members of the examining committee: Dr. Linda Herrera [Supervisor] Prof. Dr. Ben White [Reader] The Hague, The Netherlands November, 2009 Disclaimer: This document represents part of the author’s study programme while at the Institute of Social Studies. The views stated therein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Institute. Research papers are not made available for circulation outside of the Institute. Inquiries: Postal address: Institute of Social Studies P.O. Box 29776 2502 LT The Hague The Netherlands Kortenaerkade 12 2518 AX The Hague The Netherlands +31 70 426 0460 +31 70 426 0799 Location: Telephone: Fax: ii Contents Acknowledgments List of Figures List of Acronyms Abstract Key Words Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Filipino Youth and Media in Recent Philippine History The Marcos Regime: Youth in the Streets The 1986 People Power: The Culmination of Protests The Post-1986 Youth: Disengaged or Disillusioned? People Power II: The Rise of GenTxt Postscript 2001: ‘People Power Fatigue?’ Media and Technology: Expanding Youth Spaces 1.2 Research Objectives and...

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