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Applying Ethics Summary


Submitted By itslonneka
Words 404
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Applying Ethics In Practice

Lonneka Sharp


October 27, 2015
Stephanie Chupein

Ethics In Practice

As a human service professional if I was to ever be in a situation, where my personal values became ethical issues. I would be distraught, because nobody would want their personal values or issues out in the open for the public to know. For example when I and my client / patient discuss about personal issues or values and my client/ patients takes your personal information and exposes you to everyone and to the public. But even people you can trust do these things as well. For example, when I had gotten into an argument with one of my family members, she took upon herself to expose true and false allegations about me to our family and her friends. I was hurt by it because what I do or who I talk to is nobody business but the ones I tell my personal issues or business too. On the other hand the ethical model and code of ethics I would use to resolve the issue is the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) of the responsibility to provider. If I am the provider I have to be responsible of not trusting my clients with any of my personal values and life issues. Because my client might have a mental breakdown which might cause him or her to outrage she or he might or try to kill me and my family. So I would protect myself by not exposing my personals out to any of my clients. Now today people are being killed over what he or she say about that person. It is very petty and it is immature to kill over what somebody said about him or her.
Therefore it is always safe to trust yourself and keep your personal values to yourself. Because you never know what a person is a capable of doing or thinking. For example when I talk to people I only tell people what they want to hear but never my personal values or life because I don’t want

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