Premium Essay

Appraisal in the Workplace


Submitted By barnessashea
Words 867
Pages 4
Appraisal in the Workplace
Sashea Barnes
BUS303: Human Resources Management
Chavonne McCall
August 4, 2013

Appraisal in the Workplace It’s true that any work environment can become a stressful environment. As individuals we all have our own personal problems that can add to the stress and in turn affect our work performance. Most people who do their jobs well look for some type of recognition and in some cases when that is not awarded, they begin to care less feeling like it’s no longer worth it. In this essay the importance of appraisal in the workplace will be discussed. One will also learn how this simple act can not only benefit the people, but the company as well. The two most common purposes for performance appraisal are development and administration. Any company who’s looking to hire employees want top of the line people. By this I mean people who are hardworking, dependable, and dedicated to their jobs. By evaluating the employees the employer gets a chance to look at both their strengths as well as their weaknesses. With this knowledge the employer has the ability to praise them for their good work and assist them in the areas that they may not be so talented in. Performance evaluations enable the creation of reasonable performance standards so that both supervisor and employee are aware of work that is considered "acceptable performance." Because of the active involvement of both the supervisor and the employee in performance evaluations, an important channel of two-way communication is opened. Communication can result in increased cooperation and understanding between supervisors and employees, which in turn can enhance work performance and work environment thus providing better customer service to our community and each other. It is very important for management to use effective decision making on how to rate their employees.

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