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Arab Media Forum


Submitted By monamuhammad1
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Event critique paper: Arab Media Forum

Arab Media is a high profiled 2-day event held once every year hosted by the Dubai press Club, which is created under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai.
Dubai press club has played a major role in the growth of the regional media industry through initiating various events such as the Arab Media Forum and the Arab Journalism Award. The Dubai Press Club is a well-established forum for journalists and media professionals to debate, discuss, and deliberate upon issues that are relevant to daily life.
Arab media forum is held mainly to attract journalists, decision makers and students from the Arab region and worldwide. This year Arab media forum took place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Dubai on the 8th and 9th of May, the event comprised of a series of seminars and workshops. Also, delegates such as journalists and media professionals were invited as guests’ speakers from around the Arab world. The theme of this year’s Arab media forum was “Arab Media: Exposure and Transition”. A total of 2,000 regional and global media representatives, and 350 overseas guests gathered at the 2012 Arab media Forum.
As mentioned earlier, the theme of this year’s Arab media forum was “Arab Media: Exposure and Transition” I think the theme was well suited with the objective and goals of the event. As the main purpose of organizing Arab Media Forum, is to get together as many regional and global representatives, journalists and students as possible. In order for them to exchange ideas, share experiences and get inspired through professionals in their similar field of interests.
As well, if we take the literal meaning of the theme that was set for the event, it gives you a clear idea that what the whole event is about. For example, “Arab Media: Exposure and Transition”, is understandable that the event is concerning Arab Media and attending it would provide you with exposure to Arab media through honorable media-related speakers from around the region and from around the world. Also, it would present you with a clear picture of the transition of the Arab media as to how it has evolved over time and has become a source of information and awareness amongst the public.
However, I think including the title “Arab Media” in the theme of the Arab Media Forum, gave an expression of the event being narrowed down to only being about Arab Media, whereas the sole purpose of the event is to gather media related professionals and beginners from around the world to debate, discuss and share ideas related to the world of media.
Day 1, included workshops and sessions specially focused on new or inexperienced media professionals, familiarizing them with the Arab media World and also a workshop conceptualized by media students from UAE-based colleges and universities, followed by foreign guest speakers.
The topics of the workshops and sessions for day 1 was as presented below: * Workshop 1 - Twitter Stars and the Echo of Tweets * Workshop 2 - “Arab Youth Create Own Media Platform” - "The workshop has been conceptualised by media students from UAE-based colleges and universities." - “Is it not time for the Arab youth’s media spring" * Workshop 3 - “The Electronic Media Generation: Journalists by Instinct” * Session A - “Arab Media and the Shock of Change” * Session B - Revolutions Re-draw the Map of the Elite” * Session C - "The Official Foreign Spokespersons: An Expanding Role and Ambiguous Influence!!"

Day 2, also included sessions, followed by guests’ speakers. However the events of the 2nd day comprised of much in-depth information delivered about digital media specifically through television, Internet and also the role of religion that should be kept in mind as an Arab media representative.
The topics of sessions for day 2 was as presented below: * Session D - “The YouTube Channels… Individual Platforms that Compete with the Satellite Stations” * Session E - “News Channels and Arab Revolutions: Questions about Coverage and Performance” * Session F - “Television Production: Where is the Innovation?!” * Session G - “Religious Discourse in the Arab Media: the Expected Role” * Session H - “Free Media and Free Wrestling”

The 2 day event which took on the 8th and 9th of May, was well organized. According to me the schedule (consequence of the activities) of the event was the only section of the event that was effectively planned and issued. During the both the days, workshops, discussions sessions and guests speakers were presenting at different times throughout the day. Out of the many, some of the speakers present were: * AbdelilahBelkeziz (Writer,Morocco) * Abdellatif El Menawy (Former President, News Sector Egyptian TV) * Abdulaziz Al Shalan (New Media Expert, KSA) * Abdullah Al Ghathami (Professor of Criticism and Theory in the Arabic Language Department Faculty of Arts - King Saud University) * Amna Khalifa Al Ali (Professor of foundation of education ,UAE University)

However every event was allocated in separate ballrooms, preventing the guests from feeling monotonous sitting in a particular hall and also a scrumptious lunch and tea break was organized to please the guests and attendees.
Lastly, on each day there was a special segment to mark the end of the day. At the end of day 1 a formal inauguration of the event took place and the end of day 2 was marked by presentation of the Arab Journalism Award Ceremony 2012, which is an award ceremony organized to honor the success of journalist and media representatives in the Arab media world.
Furthermore, the location of the event was appropriately chosen. as it took place the at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Dubai, which is situated in the middle of the city of Dubai so visitors coming from either side of the emirate whether Sharjah or Abu Dhabi would have to travel the same distance. It is also located near to the airport, so guests’ speakers and delegates who would be arriving in time for the event wouldn’t have to waste travelling time. Grand Hyatt Hotel is a also well known landmark of Dubai, so finding it would be a hassle for the attendees. Additionally, as traffic being one of the major drawbacks in Dubai especially during working days, Grand Hyatt Hotel would be seen as a suitable location as it does not face traffic issues and has ample parking space.
However the venue and the site of the event could be chosen with a little more thoughtfulness. For the reason that, even though Grand Hyatt is conveniently located and there ballrooms are quite big in size, but there are other well known hotels and landmarks in Dubai which have a suitable location and as well as their ambience reflects the culture of UAE more prominently compared to the setting displayed at the ballrooms in Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai.
Additionally, the marketing and branding for the event was done broadly with use of banners and logos of sponsors at the reception and during presentations. However, as per my observation the social media present was mainly from the gulf region. Not many international news and media reporters were present to cover the event, which means that information prior to and after the event would is not readily available for to be read by the general public and those that are interested. So, in order to support my statement above, I did my first hand research by typing the title of the event in the most well-known search engine “Google” and found that hardly any advertisement or announcement is present online about the event taking place, except for the website allocated for Arab Media Forum. Also, most of the feedback or descriptive articles regarding the event are published in Arabic, indicating that barely any marketing strategies are designed with keeping international media related public in mind.
The budget of the event was quiet high, as Dubai press Club, is created under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President and Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, and it initiates Arab Media Forum and Arab Journalism Award. Hence in order to maintain the reputation and royalty associated with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The event was held on a very grand basis, the event was an experience for the general attendees, as it is known to be a high-profile event.
The resources used were applied to every aspect of the event, as major leaders and well-known media professionals attended the event. The sponsors were also chosen from the renowned firms throughout the Arab region. Money was well spent in the organizing and detailing of the event, preparing the list of guests’ speakers, to listing invitations for special guest, planning and organizing the schedule for the 2 days through the event. Brochures were distributed and posters were present at some of the main universities around the city.
As mentioned earlier, the atmosphere created for the event for at a grand level. This was also seen through the human resource appointed to take care of the whole event. The reception was held one day earlier then the date of the event; it was guests that were invited through invitation. So the main guests, sponsors and professionals could acknowledge the event and be welcomed for their presence. Also, the reception was orderly set up, and all the information related to the event was readily available at the reception. The guests and visitors attending the event were received with a warm welcome. Volunteers were present all around the place, in order to guide the guests and help them if they require any assistance related to anything about the event.
The event management resource had also done well in handling the lunch and tea break during both the days of the event. The banquet section was always very finely set up and hygiene was kept in mind all the way through. Also a wide variety of food and beverage was included in the menu for both lunch and tea break. However, once the time allocated for the lunch and tea break were over, guests were asked to proceed to their respective ballrooms. I think announcements should have been made, as guests lose track of time while socializing, as the manner used by some of the volunteers who asked the guests to be seated was not appropriate and as a result it could reflect negatively on the organizers.
In conclusion, overall it was a well organized event and attending it provided students like myself, with first hand exposure to the world of Arab media. It also gave inexperienced individuals a chance to get in contact with well known media professionals and representatives. However, the media appointed should have been on a more international level and the location should have been relocated to a more appropriate one reflecting the cultures of Dubai.

In order to add a CSR element to the event broader, organized effort is needed. And most importantly, it needs to be publicized at every possible turn. CSR is a hands-on thing that people can walk away with, even if they didn’t get what they wanted out of the event. Keeping the religiousness and helpfulness of the Arab world in mind, a CSR option related to charity could be appointed to the event of Arab Media Forum. For examples, tickets could have been allotted to attend the event and that money could have been given to charity, or every attendee could have been asked to bring books to donate to help increase and encourage increased literacy in school-aged children.

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