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Argumentative Essay: The Value Of A College Education

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When a student graduates high school, they want to make a decision that will be beneficial to their future. However, some students don’t want to go to college, but if a high school graduate does not go to college and earn a degree, it will be more difficult to find a well paying job. A college education can be very valuable for many reasons. Whether you go to college or not, doesn’t just affect your future, but it can affect your health, and your future financially. It is your responsibility to go to college, not only for you, but for the future of our country. First, in our society, the tradition is to go to preschool, then to elementary, then middle school, then high school, and then to college. As kids we believe that’s how our lives would be, almost as if it were set in stone. But conforming to that ethic is in no way an atrocious thing, whether you agree with it or not, a college education will support you in the long run. For example, according to College Board’s “5 Ways Ed Pays”, if you go to college and get a degree, you are more likely to earn an average of $22,000 more per year. And that’s not just your …show more content…
As you know, colleges can be extremely expensive. As Cheat Sheet’s article, “5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Go to College” explains, “Many people find that they can challenge themselves without attending college, and going just to seek a challenge can be a poor financial investment.” This can be true, but it’s undoubtedly one-in-two chances you will dislike college. It’s not very common for a young adult just out of high school to already have a job that they plan to do the rest of their lives, because not everyone has an opportunity to find one so soon. Cheat Sheet’s article also says that college can be a poor financial investment if you don’t know what to do with your life. This is a very debatable statement, but overall the answer varies from person to person. In other words, no one is the

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