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Arranged Marriages


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Prof. dr Mira Kačar M arljivi A mbiciozni mbiciozni R adoznali K reativni E nergični T emeljni I novativni N eumorni G rupnom radu skloni

Način ispitivanja
Pismeni ispit: 45 Seminar/Projekat: 10 (7+3) Plan marketing istraživanja: 5 Aktivnost na nastavi: 5 Usmeni ispit: 45 Kolokvijum Sedme nedelje predavanja
Literatura Milisavljević M., Maričić B., Gligorijević M., Osnovi marketinga, Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd, 2012. 2012.

Način ocenjivanja
Poeni ≤ 50 51 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - 90 91 - 100 Ocena 5 6 7 8 9 10

I Marketing koncept
Definisanje marketinga Osnovna značenja marketinga Suština marketing koncepta Evolucija marketing koncepta Koncept društvenog marketinga Holistički marketing

Pojam marketinga
Marketing je reč anglosaksonskog porekla. porekla. Koren termina marketing je u anglosaksonskoj reči tržište (“market”). Marketing je jezička kovanica čije je etimološko značenje ‘’stavljanje jezička etimološko na tržište’’. tržište’’. Praktično, marketing podrazumeva sve neposredne i posredne aktivnosti koje preduzeće preduzima ili ima nameru da preduzme prema izabranom (ciljnom) tržištu. Marketing se pojavljuje u naturalnoj razmeni. razmeni. Marketing je imao relativno skromno značenje do 50-ih godina XX 50veka. veka.

Definisanje marketinga
AMA (American Marketing Association): ‘’Marketing je aktivnost, set institucija i procesa za kreiranje, komuniciranje, isporučivanje i razmenu ponuda koje imaju vrednost za potrošače, klijente, razmenu partnere i društvo u celini’’. društvo celini’’. Kotler: Kotler: ‘’Marketing je društveni i upravljački proces pomoću kojeg individue i grupe, kroz kreiranje i razmenu proizvoda i vrednosti sa drugima, dobijaju ono šta im je potrebno i žele”. žele” Najveći broj definicija marketinga naglašava primarnost zadovoljavanja potreba i želja potrošača u procesu razmene na tržištu. Posebno se naglašava da je kreiranje vrednosti i satisfakcije potrošača srce moderne marketing misli i prakse i da to ima i šire društvene konsekvence.

Značenja marketinga
Ekonomski proces Poslovna funkcija Poslovna koncepcija Naučna disciplina

Marketing kao ekonomski proces
Dovodi u vezu proizvodnju i potrošnju doprinoseći efektivnosti i efikasnosti obavljanja razmene. razmene. Mikro nivo (preduzeće)
Obuhvata sve aktivnosti koje preduzeće i članovi marketing sistema preduzimaju da se uspostavi kontinuelan sistem komuniciranja izmedju preduzeća i korisnika njegovih proizvoda i usluga.

Makro nivo (nacionalna ekonomija)
Bavi se marketing sistemom, uticajem i konsekvencama sistemom, funkcionisanja marketing sistema na društvo, kao i uticajima i konsekvencama društva na marketing sistem. Analizira se i uticaj ekonomske politike države na performanse preduzeća na tržištu i procenjuje ukupna efikasnost privrede po grupacijama, granama i delatnostima.

Uslovi za uspešnu razmenu
1. 2.




Mora da postoje bar dve strane Svaka strana ima nešto od vrednosti za drugu stranu Svaka strana je sposobna da komunicira i isporuči Svaka strana je slobodna da prihvati ili odbije ono šta je predmet razmene Svaka strana veruje da je odgovarajuće i poželjno da obavi posao sa drugom stranom

Marketing kao poslovna funkcija
Obuhvata sve neophodne aktivnosti da se identifikuje, anticipira i zadovolji tražnja, uz ostvarenje ciljeva poslovanja. tražnja, Doprinosi da preduzeće efektivno i efikasno reaguje i menja se u skladu sa promenama na tržištu. Osnovne ekonomske koristi od marketinga kao poslovne funkcije
1. 2.



5. 6.

Korisnost forme – kreiranje i proizvodnja proizvoda koji će na najbolji način zadovoljiti zahteve i želje potrošača. Korisnost mesta – proizvod približiti što više mestu potrošnje (funkcija transporta). Korisnost vremena – da proizvod bude na raspolaganju i isporučen kada odgovara potrošaču (funkcija skladištenja). Korisnost informisanja – upoznavanje potrošača sa svim bitnim karakteristikama proizvoda (funkcija prodaje). Korisnost posedovanja za potrošače. Korisnost zadatka – ovlašćeno obavljanje odredjenog posla za račun preduzeća (usluge distributera, banaka).

“ ... zbog toga što mu je osnovna svrha da kreira potrošače, poslovno preduzeće ima dve funkcije, i samo ove dve bazične funkcije: funkcije: marketing i inovacije. Marketing i inovacije proizvode rezultate, sve drugo su troškovi”. Peter Drucker svetski lider u menadžmetnu menadžmetnu

Marketing kao poslovna koncepcija (doktrina, filozofija)
Stav menadžmenta prema ulozi preduzeća u privredi i društvu – zadovoljavanje identifikovanih potreba potrošača odredjenim proizvodima i uslugama, uz ostvarenje dobiti. Preduzeća koja žele da budu uspešna moraju da što više vrednosti ‘’ugradjuju’’ u svoje proizvode/usluge, tako ostvaruju viši nivo satisfakcije potrošača koji će uvek biti spremni da za takvu ponudu plate i više.

Marketing kao naučna disciplina
Bavi se istraživanjem poslovnih aktivnosti koje omogućuju efektivnost i efikasnost razmene i povezivanja proizvodnje i potrošnje. Marketing je najmladja disciplina društvenih nauka (marketing je razvio specijalizovane metode i tehnike utvrdjivanja činjenica i interpretacija i zaključivanja). zaključivanja) Po svojoj prirodi marketing je interdisciplinarnog karaktera (marketing se u razvoju u velikoj meri oslanjao na koncepcije i metode iz drugih naučnih disciplina, ali isto tako je originalnim koncepcijama i metodima doprinosio razvoju drugih naučnih disciplina i da taj njegov uticaj sve više jača). U akademske krugove marketing prodire prvo na Pensilvanija univerzitetu (1905. predmet Marketing proizvoda).

Suština marketing koncepta
Marketing kreira i isporučuje vrednosti za potrošače i time olakšava razmenu. razmenu. Da bi ispunio ciljeve obe strane u razmeni marketing preduzeća mora da: otkrije potrebe i želje potencijalnih potrošača da ih zadovolji na adekvatan način

Mnogi autori navode da marketing koncept ukuljučuje tri ključna ukuljučuje aspekta: aspekta:
Orijentacija na kupce (potrošači su početna tačka svih marketing aktivnosti u preduzeću, a informacije o kupcima su osnova formiranja ponude preduzeća i kreiranje dodatne vrednosti). Orijentacija na konkurenciju (neprekidan proces takmičenja koji se zasniva na analiziranju dobrih i loših strana u strategijama i taktikama aktuelnih i potencijalnih rivala preduzeća). Interfunkcionalna koordinacija marketinga i drugih poslovnih funkcija da bi se obezbedio stabilan rast i razvoj preduzeća na tržištu.

Evolucija marketing koncepta
Proizvodna koncepcija Prodajna koncepcija Marketing koncepcija

Proizvodna koncepcija
Nastaje u vreme industrijske revolucije krajem 80-ih godina XIX 80veka i traje do 30-ih godina XX veka. 30Tržište nije dovoljno snabdeveno proizvodima i uslugama. Pretpostavka je da potrošači favorizuju kvalitetne proizvode i da je potreban mali promocioni napor za plasman proizvoda na tržište. Marketing ima pasivnu ulogu. Proizvodna koncepcija može biti korisna i danas kada: tražnja za odredjenom kategorijom proizvoda prevazilazi ponudu je potrebno povećati produktivnost da bi se snizili troškovi proizvodnje

Koncept proizvoda
Neki autori u evoluciji marketinga koncept proizvoda označavaju kao posebnu fazu u razvoju. Potrošači favorizuju proizvode najboljeg kvaliteta i performansi ili proizvode koji poseduju neke nove karakteristike. Menadžeri usmeravaju napore preduzeća na prodaju superiornog proizvoda i njegovo kontinuelno poboljšanje. Neki savremeni brendovi vuku korene upravo iz ovih pionirskih poduhvata.

Prodajna koncepcija
Preovladjuje u periodu kada privreda ulazi u fazu masovne proizvodnje (1930 -1950). Ekspanzija komercijalnog sektora u organizacionoj strukturi preduzeća. Odeljenja marketinga subordinisana u okviru komercijalnog sektora, ali i dalje podredjena poslovnim funkcijama proizvodnje, finansija i istraživanja i razvoja. Povećava se aktivnost unapredjenja prodaje i privredne propagande, propagande, a istraživanje tržišta počinje da se bavi istraživanjima tražnje i prodaje.

Marketing koncepcija
Počinje ranih 50-ih godina XX veka. Počinje 50Preduzeća u SAD prepoznaju različite grupe potrošača segmente. sa identičnim potrebama i željama – tržišne segmente. Marketing ima vodeću ulogu u odlučivanju šta i koliko proizvoditi polazeći od potreba tržišnih segmenata. Marketing i prodaja više nisu tretirani kao sinonimi.

Marketing se razlikuje od prodaje kao hemija od alhemije, astronomija od astrologije i šah od šahiranja.

Teodor Levitt Harward Business School

Razlike izmedju marketing i prodajne koncepcije
Prodajni koncept

Postojeći proizvodi

Lična prodaja i promocija

Profit od obima prodaje

Marketing koncept


Potrebe potrošača

Sredstva Cilj
Integrisani marketing Profit kroz satisfakciju potrošača

Koncept potrošača
Preduzeća nastoje da proizvode/usluge što više prilagode potrebama i željama potrošača – da izgrade visok stepen lojalnosti potrošača.

Individualni potrošač

Potrebe i vrednosti potrošača



Direktni Profitabilni rast kroz marketing i lanac zadržavanje vrednosti postojećeg učešća, lojalnosti i ‘’životne vrednosti’’ potrošača

Koncept društvenog marketinga
Prema Kotleru, poslednja faza u evoluciji marketinga u SAD pripada faza konceptu društvenog marketinga. Kotler i Zaltman daju široko značenje ovom konceptu 1971. 1971. Sve češće je u upotrebi skraćenica KDO – Korporativna društvena odgovornost. odgovornost. Suština koncepta je da naglašava, pored dominirajućeg ekonomskog, društveni aspekt odnosno konsekvence marketing aktivnosti. Namera društvenog marketinga je da unapredi kvalitet života. društvenog

Komponente koncepta društvenog marketinga
Društveno blagostanje

Konceptt društvenog marketinga Satisfakcija potrošača

Profit preduzeća

Koncept društvenog marketinga predstavlja usaglašenost izmedju satisfakcije potrošača i ostvarivanja profita kao čisto poslovnih ciljeva, s jedne i društvenih ciljeva, s druge strane.

Transakcioni i društveni marketing
Transakcioni marketing
Može li preduzeće uspešno prodavati odredjeni proizvod?

Društveni marketing
Treba li preduzeće da prodaje odredjeni proizvod? Pre uvodjenja novog proizvoda u proizvodni program potrebno je sagledati: sagledati:
• eventualne konsekvence na zdravlje potrošača i životnu sredinu • društvene troškove • koristi od upotrebe proizvoda

Marketing pokretan vrednostima marketing 3.0
Predstavlja poslednji koncept kojim ova naučna naučna disciplina objašnjava suštinu uspešnog bavljenja biznisom i menadžmentom. Vrednosti potrošača danas nisu samo funkcionalne i emocionalne, nego sve više poprimaju duhovnu komponentu čime značajno utiču na poboljšanje kvaliteta života.

Poredjenje marketinga
Marketing 1.0 Proizvodno Proizvodno koncentrisan marketing Ciljevi Prodaja proizvoda proizvoda Industrijska revolucija Marketing 2.0 Marketing orijentisan na potrošače Marketing 3.0 Marketing pokretan vrednostima

Zadovoljavanje i Učiniti svet zadržavanje boljim mestom potrošača Informaciona tehnologija Pametni potrošači sa umom i srcem Diferencijacija Novi talas tehnologije Celokupan čovek sa umom, srcem i duhom Vrednosti

Snage koje su dovele do promena

Kako kompanije Masovni kupci vide tržište sa fizičkim potrebama Ključni marketing koncept Razvoj proizvoda

Poredjenje marketinga
Marketing 1.0 Proizvodno Proizvodno koncentrisan marketing Vodič za kompanije Karakteristike vrednosti Interakcija sa potrošačima Specifikacija proizvoda Funkcionalne Marketing 2.0 Marketing orijentisan na potrošače Pozicioniranje korporacije i proizvoda Funkcionalne i emocionalne Odnos jedan prema jedan Marketing 3.0 Marketing pokretan vrednostima Misija, vizija i vrednosti korporacije Funkcionalne, emocionalne i duhovne Saradnja svih sa svima

Jedna prema mnogo transakcija

Pokret potrošača - konzumerizam
Nastao 60-ih godina XX veka. 60Medjunarodni pokret koji pokriva veliki broj područja iz oblasti zaštite potrošača, a programi akcija na zaštiti potrošača se razlikuju od zemlje do zemlje. Osnovna prava potrošača zagarantovana na osnovu Medjunarodne organizacije potrošača i deklaracije Ujedinjenih nacija iz 1985.
Pravo na bezbednost Pravo na informisanost Pravo na izbor Pravo da se čuje glas potrošača Pravo na zadovoljenje osnovnih potreba Pravo na obrazovanje Pravo na nadoknadu (obeštećenje) Pravo na zdravu životnu sredinu

Marketing i konzumerizam u osnovi imaju zajednički imenitelj – podizanje konzumerizam blagostanja. stepena satisfakcije potrošača i povećanje društvenog blagostanja.

Etička odgovornost preduzeća
Marketinške aktivnosti mnogo su više podložne etičkom preispitivanju nego što je to slučaj sa drugim poslovnim funkcijama u preduzeću. Marketing etika predstavlja uvodjenje i sprovodjenje visokih standarda ponašanja i moralnih vrednosti u poslovanju. Poslovna etika kao akademsko područje nastala je 70-ih 70godina XX veka. Društvo za poslovnu etiku osnovano je 1980.

Društvena odgovornost preduzeća
Poslovna briga za društveno blagostanje. Mnoga od visokoprofitnih preduzeća su i društveno najodgovornija preduzeća. Istraživanja u SAD i Australiji ukazuju da su potrošači spremni da plate i nešto višu cenu za proizvode i usluge ako znaju da preduzeća podržavaju i sprovode društveno korisne akcije. Marketing pomaže preduzeću da na najbolji način ostvari svoju društvenu odgovornost. Jačanje društvene odgovornosti preduzeća dovelo je povećanog interesovanja za marketing etiku.

Koncepti društvene odgovornosti

Profitna odgovornost vlasnici/akcionari 2.

Odgovornost prema stejkholderima potrošači zaposleni dobavljači/distributeri dobavljači/distributeri


Društvena odgovornost zaštita ekološkog okruženja – tzv. zeleni marketing opsluživanje opšte javnosti – tzv. uzročni marketing

Neki teoretičari sugerišu da ukupna društvena odgovornost preduzeća ima četiri komponente: komponente:
Ekonomsku – da se posluje profitabilno Legalističku – da se poštuju zakoni Etičku – da se bude fer i pravedan u poslovnim transakcijama Filantropsku – da se preduzeće ponaša kao dobar sugradjanin

Održivi razvoj – nova teorija u Održivi društvenoj odgovornosti
Društveno odgovorno preduzeće će poslovati tako što će fokusirati svetske probleme i na njihovo rešavanje gledati kao na šansu da uveća profit, a da u isto vreme pomogne čovečanstvu. Parnterstvo sa svim stejkholderima postalo je značajan element u poslovanju širom sveta.

Prosvećeni (enlightened) marketing
Prema futuristima, marketing preduzeća treba da futuristima, podržava najbolje dugoročne performanse marketing sektora. Prosvećeni marketing je zasnovan na pet ključnih principa: principa: marketing mora biti orijentisan na potrošače marketing treba da se odlikuje inovativnošću u središtu marketinga je kreiranje i isporučivanje vrednosti marketing mora da ima jasnu misiju marketing mora da bude zasnovan na konceptu društvenog marketinga

Holistički marketing
Holizam Holizam – pojam grčkog porekla ‘’sve’’, ‘’celokupno’’, ‘’totalno’’. Polazi od toga da je sve važno za marketing i da je zato potrebno primenjivati širi, integrisani pristup poslovanju preduzeća. Pomaže preduzeću da kreira i isporuči pravu vrednost potrošačima. Pomaže menadžerima da odgovore na tri ključna pitanja:
Kako preduzeće da identifikuje novu vrednost za potrošače? Kako preduzeće da efikasno kreira vrednost koja više obećava potrošačima? Kako preduzeće da koristi svoje sposobnosti i infrastrukturu u efikasnijem isporučivanju nove vrednosti potrošačima?

Komponente holističkog marketinga
Marketing odnosa Integrisani marketing Interni marketing Marketing performansi

Marketing odnosa
Cilj je da se izgrade duboki, postojani odnosi sa ljudima izgrade duboki postojani i organizacijama koji mogu neposredno ili posredno da utiču na uspeh marketinških aktivnosti preduzeća. Ključni stejkholderi: stejkholderi: potrošači zaposleni marketing partneri (kanali, dobavljači, distributeri, dileri, agencije) članovi finansijske zajednice (akcionari, investitori, analitičari)

Poslednja inovacija u marketingu odnosa jeste stvaranje marketing mreže sa najprofitabilnijim stejkholderima preduzeća.

Integrisani marketing
Cilj je kreiranje, komuniciranje i isporučivanje vrednosti potrošačima. Mnogo različitih marketinških aktivnosti komunicira i isporučuje vrednost potrošačima, i kada su koordinisane, marketinške aktivnosti koordinisane, maksimiraju njihov zajednički efekat. Postoji stalno insistiranje na optimalnoj kombinaciji marketing miksa u preduzeću.

Interni marketing
Obezbedjuje da se svi u preduzeću strogo pridržavaju marketinških principa, posebno senior menadžeri. principa, Interni marketing treba sprovoditi na dva nivoa: nivoa:
Prvi nivo podrazumeva da sve marketing funkcije – lična prodaja, privredna propaganda, servis potrošača, proizvodni menadžment i marketing istraživanja moraju raditi zajedno. Drugi nivo podrazumeva da ostale poslovne funkcije u preduzeću moraju takodje razmišljati marketinški odnosno u interesu potrošača.

Marketing performansi
Radi se o finansijskoj odgovornosti menadžmenta prema vlasnicima i upravnom odboru preduzeća. Društvena odgovornost preduzeća ide dalje od interesa pojedinačnog preduzeća i definiše njegovo mesto u širem društvenom kontekstu. Marketing performansi obuhvata: obuhvata: povratne efekte od primene marketinških aktivnosti u poslovanju preduzeća (prihodi od prodaje, vrednosti brenda) šire aspekte tog poslovanja kao što su zakonske, etičke, društvene i ekološke posledice na društvo u celini

Pitanja za diskusiju
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Koja su osnovna značenja marketinga? Šta čini suštinu marketing koncepta? Navedite osnovne faze u evoluciji marketing koncepta na primeru SAD? U čemu je suštinska razlika izmedju prodajnog i marketing koncepta? Šta je to Korporativna društvena odgovornost? Navedite osnovne komponente holističkog marketinga?

Ispitna pitanja
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Značenja marketinga Evolucija marketing koncepta Razlike izmedju marketing i prodajne koncepcije Koncept društvenog marketinga Marketing 3.0 Etička i društvena odgovornost preduzeća društvena Holistički marketing

Teme za seminar
1. 2.

Društvena odgovornost preduzeća Holistički marketing

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Premium Essay

Arranged Marriages

...Arranged marriages: painful history or our reality? Professor ENG 113 Marriage has always been a very difficult and controversial topic to be discussed in any part of the world. The reason why, is that it’s always been connected directly proportional to the happiness in personal life. During previous twenty centuries, values of contentment and success have been changing radically due to the political and most important religious streams. Despite all the signs that have been encrusted so powerfully on our humanity perception, many parts of our world still promote and believe in arranged marriages. Although the Western Culture is considered to be outspoken and free, does it really manage to escape the phenomenon of arranged marriages? Regardless of what is the reason, an arranged marriage should never be taken as the right answer to the eternal question of finding personal happiness. In the earlier centuries arranged marriages were performed on the wealthier levels of society. Various reasons were embraced by this act: gaining more authority, power, money, family name. The only consistently overlooked fact was the couple’s opinion and feelings. Despite this reality, powerful families would arrange their children’s marriage in order to expand their influence, financial stability, history. According to Lacey Savage, “arranged marriages are commonplace in a number of countries, such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan and India”, and...

Words: 1122 - Pages: 5

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Love Marriage and Arranged Marriage

...our presentation. We hope it truly benificial for you. To summarize, I’d like to recap on somemaint point. As you know, both love marriage and arranged marriage have their advantages and disadvantages. Neither all of love marriage are failure nor all of arranged marriage are successful. A marriage is built on a very strong foundation. No matter what kind of marriage it is, to sustain forever, it requires a lot of patience, understanding, compatibility, respect, trust, care between each other, not just love. Therefore, I think, that is nothing like an ideal marriage. It depend on the way you preceive it. Now… Have you had the answer for our question? If you are enjoying a happy marriage, you should be proud of that because we have true happiness in the world. Are you single? Have you fallen in love with someone who love you unconditionally? Get ready to share that love for the rest of your life in a long marriage! Have you been looking for a prince or a princess in your dream for a long time…? Don’t be too nervous! Open your mind! Thinking about an arranged marriage could be a great ideal for you. Try it! Marrige, whether it is love one or arranged one, could be an ultimate gift and wonderful experience. It is a journey, not a destination. The important is flow your heart and intuition, you can make a right choice leading to a successful marriage you really want. That bring us to the end of our presentation. Many thanks for your listening. If you have any question, feel...

Words: 279 - Pages: 2

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Arranged Marriage Across Cultures

...Marriage has evolved over time in society. Depending on who you ask they will most likely have a their own view of what marriage means to them. In most cultures the general form of Marriage is between a man and a woman; however, society is evolving and the meaning has been changing with time. In all cultures marriage is presented as a 'social institution'. In a society marriage is mostly considered an arrangement of a mutual commitment; rights and obligations between two or more persons. This commitment is bonded by sexual and economical responsibilities. In Society marriages takes on many facets.  Marriage Ceremonies are influenced by your cultural background and your religious views.  In most societies and  cultures 'marriage' is defined...

Words: 671 - Pages: 3

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Arranged Marriage

...Arranged Marriage Arranged marriage is the type of marriage where parents pick your future husband or wife for you. It is a complicated matter according to Asian and Middle Eastern countries like India, Japan, Iraq, Iran and many other counties. It is practiced in many societies. For example, in the Indian culture, parents have been choosing a suitable life partner for centuries. For many cultures, denying an arranged marriage is a sign of disrespect towards one’s family. There is a large process that the parents go through to find a suitable life partner. In Japan, for instance, "when a woman reaches the marriageable age of 25, she and her parents compile a packet of information about her, including a photograph of her in a kimono and descriptions of her family background, education, hobbies, accomplishments and interests. Her parents then inquire among their friends and acquaintances to see if anyone knows a man who would be a suitable husband for her" (the Asia Society's Video Letter from Japan: My Family, 1988). Usually, the most important aspect of choosing a suitable spouse is the bond between the two families, rather than the relationship between the couple being married. Property or land with the aim of securing social status sometimes seals marriage agreements. The boy and the girl have to agree or disagree for a marriage proposal, set up by his or her parents, after the first meeting. For Indians that are born and brought up in America have a difficult time adjusting...

Words: 1693 - Pages: 7

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Arranged Marriage Research Paper

...From Arranged Marriage to Love Marriage In the United States, where a multitude of cultures and races live together, we are not accustomed to the idea of arranged marriages. We are blessed that we are given our own right to choose our own spouse to marry instead of being arranged upon or have no say in who we get to spend the rest of our lives with. True love has been drilled into our heads, giving us the idea that finding somebody special is nothing out of the ordinary. However there are still those who do not grow up with the same ideas or values in choosing their own loved one. India’s culture has since forever been based off of religion and the honors of family. From those comes an important aspect of the Indian culture that is the idea of an arranged marriage. An arranged marriage is when, usually the parents or father, of both sides of the family meet with potential suitors to be wed to each other without any true saying coming from mainly the woman herself. Basically the man’s family advertises his achievements, wealth, and well being to other families, and if a family seeking for a husband for their daughter agrees or likes these qualities, a meeting is set between the two families. After the one meeting goes well, they set up a wedding date for the two to become married. The bride and groom have not even spent a full day with each other and it is decided that they should become married. The biggest misunderstanding most of us have about arranged marriages is the...

Words: 1762 - Pages: 8

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Love vs Arranged Marriage

...Love marriages being accepted Marriages are basically of two types – arranged and those based on mutual attraction between the partners. Arranged marriages were once common throughout the world, but today this institution mostly survives in the eastern countries such as India, China, and most Asian society. Love marriages are the norm in western countries where individual freedom and aspirations are considered more important than what the society, parents or relatives expect from a person. In an ideal arranged marriage scenario, the partners have a major say in arranged marriage. They give the final nod as to the choice of their spouse. However, things do not always go like this. All of a sudden you start your life with a person with you have hardly spend any time. You don’t know the person or you may even not like the person if you have go married because your parents and elders decided your marriage. Most of the cases the girl is forced to sacrifice their likes and adjust to the reality. Some may just live their life it goes believing its their fate and their parents are happy, but some break up. In many arranged marriages, the parents and relatives are often overbearing and try to force their child into a relationship he or she does not agree with. This can be a very difficult situation that may condemn the partners to living lifelong in a marriage that they are not happy with. In an arraigned marriage the blame is mostly on the parents and family members if things...

Words: 680 - Pages: 3

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Arranged Marriages in Foreign Countries

...Arranged and Forced Marriages In Foreign Countries Alba Hernandez Kim Galvan Yvette Castaneda BCOM/275 Clark G. Mc Carrell Jr. Arranged and Forced Marriages in Foreign Countries Marriage, the binding partnership of a woman and man; “The Happily Ever” fairytale we quietly desired one day, and continue to wish for in the lives of our children, and generations today. The biggest decision we make, but sometimes the most uneducated one of them all. From cultural traditions to religious beliefs, we plan and arrange the Wedding Event with the hope of a lifetime of successes. In everyday life we attend social gatherings with friends, family, and colleagues, humoring each other and making statements, “Let’s arrange the marriage now!” We find it humorous as we share innuendos of our perceptions and opinions. We quietly desire the perfect love story for our children wishing the selfish desire to play cupid and arrange the picture perfect union of our sons and daughters. As a society we think we know what is best for our children. Lucky, for the American culture of kids and young adults we are simple and a lot more liberal in the marrying arena. Children and young adults in America are not subjected to the traditions and religious beliefs tied to marriage decisions that such families and youth are victims to in foreign countries. India is a big partaker of both arranged marriages and forced marriages backed by cultural tradition and religious beliefs. Should foreign Cultures be...

Words: 2418 - Pages: 10

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Pros and Cons for Arranged Marriage

...Pros and cons for arranged marriage. Arranged marriages are often mistaken for forced marriages. Arranged marriage is marriages where the family member takes an important role in bringing a couple together. But it is the person who is getting married who has the final saying. For the majority people in the western world, it often happens that the man and the woman meats each other, fall in love, live together for some years, they get engaged and eventually married so in the western world people think arranged marriage is an outdated practise and is based more of a family pressure than real love. But for many cultures specifically Indian and Middle Eastern cultures family and marriages formed for the sake of love are not common. It’s an expected fact that a person’s family will play a role in picking your partner. In this essay you will get to know the pros and cons of arranged marriage. Since the families do the matching, they would of course try to choose a companion who has good bank balance, so their beloved daughter/son will have a financial security in the future. You can’t really accuse the parents for being greedy. They wish only the best for their children; they like any other parents would want a stable and secure life for their child’s own future family. They tend to go for partners who are of equal, when it comes to education, finances and morals. If you have a highly educated daughter you would like to find someone as educated, or even more for her. This starts...

Words: 973 - Pages: 4

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Arranged Marriages society, and a term “marriage” developed. In their book, The Ties that Bind: Perspectives on Marriage and Cohabitation, Bachrach, Hindin, and Thomson define marriage “as a legally and socially recognized union, ideally lifelong, that entails sexual, economic, social rights and obligations for the partners” (3-16). Since the evolution of marriages, there have also been arranged marriages. This can be seen as the arrangement of a marriage by a third party, usually by the couple’s parents. Arranged marriages may lead to a longer lasting relationship than non-arranged marriages, because the success of the marriage is stronger with a support system, since the parents, community, religion, and cultural background are involved in making and sustaining the marriage bond. Initially one might believe that arranged marriages are a distinct feature of the eastern societies but the western societies also have deep roots and seeds of arranged marriage customs and traditions. Arranged marriages have existed for centuries, and it traditions are still practiced today. Many might see an arranged marriage as forced or unwanted but studies done by Myers, Madathil, and Tingle “showed that differences in marital satisfaction between arranged and non-arranged couples are typically insignificant” (183-190). Even a study conducted by Schwartz, “found that ratings of passion, intimacy, and commitment were not significantly different between arranged and non-arranged marriages. Her study also study...

Words: 2339 - Pages: 10

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Arranged Marriages

...Arranged Marriages Arranged marriages have been practiced for years in many countries. For many people, the idea of arranged marriages brings joy and happiness. For others, it brings great displeasure in not being able to choose the one they want to marry. For example, in the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hermia is in love with Lysander, yet her father wants her to marry Demetrius. Hermia has to make a decision on who she wants to marry. Hermia has to either marry Demetrius or Lysander. In order to marry Lysander, they were going to run away together. In the end, she is able to marry Lysander, her true love. Arranged marriages were quite popular during the time that Shakespeare wrote this play. However, there are many countries today that still arrange many marriages. One country in particular is India. In India, there are many reasons why and how they arrange marriages. Arranging a marriage in India is part of their culture and plays a big role in their country. Parents choose to find a match for their children in India. Finding a husband for the daughter allows her to relax and enjoy life. It takes unnecessary stress away from the child. Parents have their children’s best interest at heart when it comes to education and marriage. Both are considered to be a very important part of their culture. A successful marriage and a good education for the child directly reflect on the parents. There was an article written on arranged marriages and Sita, an Indian...

Words: 716 - Pages: 3

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Arranged Marriage in Vietnam

...customs that still exist (exists), such as arranged marriage (arranged married). In Vietnam, arranged marriages (arranged married) used to be very common in the past. With the changes (change) in (of) the society, arranged marriage (arranged married) is now irrelevant and not appropriate to (with) modern life (live). That tradition should be ended in Vietnam for (by) many reasons (causes), such as social injustice and negative results (result) of arranged marriages (arranged married) in the past. Arranged marriages are a social injustice. With arranged marriages (arranged married), the Vietnamese cannot choose their partner because they don’t have their human rights to decide. In the past, most marriages (married) in Vietnam were (was) arranged and set up by parents instead of by young people. Parents searched for people whom they thought were comparative for their sons or daughters based on their background or wealth. For example, the rich families didn’t want their children to get married with the poor. The young people had to accept those weddings (wedding) even though they didn’t want them (it). Arranged marriages were basically an agreement between two families rather than two young people. About 50 years ago, most marriages were (was) hold between two people who hadn’t even known each other before. Nowadays, society is based on freedom and individuality. Vietnamese have rights to make their own choices and speak their own minds. A marriage should be between two people who love...

Words: 624 - Pages: 3

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Arranged Marriages

...Arrange a marriage is a natural, human emotion that holds most of man kind captive. It drives the human mind to act upon envious impulses that lead to distress and sometimes disaster. Arrange marriages can cause some more stress on jealousy though most of humankind has a sense of self-control to recognize and overcome this, there are those that do not. This is just the case in Ihara Saikaku the Barrel maker Brimful of Love. That the barrel maker seeks the love of one particular woman only to then completely destroy their relationship over a suspicion of infidelity speaks to the irrationality of a bitter man whose character is a reflection of absolute unhappiness ultimately leads to the destruction of her marriage with her husband. Relationships are the most important things in life. “Olsen sank lower and lower in the social scale she learned the lesson of karma and she thought more about the future” pp592. She knew about being alone and she didn’t want the cooper to be alone if she could help find true love, for a friend even if she had to arrange it her self she would and marriage is one of the most important relationships. Having said that, it becomes even more important who arranges the marriage, whether it’s we or someone else like our parents or friends. The issue has taken the place of an important social problem. Different people have different opinions coming from different age groups from the different parts of the world. Marriage as we can see is a commitment of spending...

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