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Art / Early Childhood


Submitted By tynesahrh
Words 403
Pages 2
Art is a part of everything. Literacy and art make a great marriage of the two things young children are attracted to most: stories and kinesthetic experiences. Asking questions that require children to predict what will happen next and to link the story to their own experiences. When books become familiar to children, pause before or repeated patterns and allow children to complete the reading. Reading stories several times is encouragement for emergent reading. Children are more likely to choose books and engage in emergent reading with books that are familiar to them. Always use a normal speaking voice when reading, speak naturally and do not over use the use of hand gestures.
Mouse Paint - Author: Ellen Stoll Walsh
Cute and curious white mice explore with paint to discover new colors by mixing primary colors and make secondary colors. They are also careful and clever to outsmart the cat.
I chose to do an activity with Mouse Paint. I feel the activities are open ended as children can paint as desired. Also there are plenty more things that can be done with Mouse Paint, from story pieces to flannel boards.
Level: Baby-Preschool
Skills: Color recognition, science > color mixing: how to mix primary colors to obtain secondary colors. Learn color words. Activities:
- Read the story and use mouse color flash cards to help present the colors in the sequence in which they appear in the book. For use with a felt board, glue a piece of sandpaper to the back of each card.
- Color mixing activity
- Divide the children into three color teams (orange, green and purple). Each team will mix colors and paint the mouse craft templates or coloring page with their team color.
- Cut out and assemble mouse craft.
- Read Mouse Paint one more time and children will hold their mouse craft and stand up when their secondary color is mentioned in the story.

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