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Babylon Is Fallen


Submitted By kidwikkid
Words 432
Pages 2
To Whom It May Concern: *Please Note: I, the living, am fully aware that any/all claims made concerning a CROWN CORPORATION OWNED NAME is, in fact, an admission of FRAUD where FALSE IMPERSONATION is concerned and is a CAPITAL CRIME to do so, 1. Inasmuch as YOU, the sender, have mailed something under ASSUMPTION/PRESUMPTION OF LAW that I, the living, am somehow RELATED to the CROWN COPYRIGHTED NAME REGISTERED at birth is, in fact AIDING AND ABETTING another into FRAUD should I accept; 2. Any/All things/items mailed are, in fact CONTRACTS inasmuch as ACCEPTANCE IS ASSUMED/PRESUMED due to a UPU/VATICAN CITY, STATE POSTAL CODE ADDRESS/OPEN MAILBOX ACCESS involved and attached to the CROWN OWNED NAME that is not me/my PROPERTY where it is INTENT TO COMMIT ENTICEMENT TO SLAVERY on you, the senders part, of INTENT to COMMIT FRAUDULENT JOINDER as such and, for which YOU are fully liable in your current SLAVE STATUS; 3. You, the SENDER are, in fact, acting in fraud by virtue of a NAME/TITLE/OFFICE you are IMPERSONATING and are engaging in a deliberate attempt to AID AND ABET FRAUD with “UNCLEAN HANDS” where acting in good faith is instantly removed henceforth/heretofore and are CRIMINALLY LIABLE and GUILTY of/for the INTENT to do so knowingly/unknowingly; 4. Further continuance of your attempts to procure JOINDER via deceptive measures knowingly/unknowingly render PROOF OF INTENT to do so whereas the rightful owner of any/all LEGAL NAME/S, namely the CROWN CORPORATION, CITY OF LONDON, STATE, TEMPLE B.A.R owns all/any LIABILITY for any/all REGISTERED CORPORATIONS/LEGAL PERSONS etc. et al; 5. Any/all furtherance/pursuit of LEGAL JOINDER/ENTICEMENT TO SLAVERY/FALSE IMPERSONATION is and, shall henceforth, be deemed INTENT to do so via MAIL FRAUD whereas the NAME you are seeking is a FICTIONAL CORPORATE LEGAL ENTITY and PROPERTY OF THE CROWN

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