Premium Essay

Bad Drug Habbit


Submitted By bigcrazydude
Words 713
Pages 3
Addressing issues concerning a predetermined bad drug can be difficult. Many questions will arise and need to be answered appropriately. What are the long term effects? Short term? What is the root cause? Will we have to do a recall and pay for consumers facing issues? The amount of liabilities placed on this situation is high. However, this is the opportune time to establish close working relationships with media professionals. (Communicating with…)
Communication is vital in the health care industry. However, there are many different channels of communication, but how can you know which is the correct method is for your company. Traditional communication still plays a large role, but lacks the convenience and effectiveness of electronic communication. Social media has placed an outlet that cannot be overlooked in any form of communication. The company’s needs and the type of communication can dictate which form of communication would be the most effective. Traditional communication has a wide variety to choose from. Newspaper, magazines, radio, billboards, or small ads within other businesses has a vast effect on the customer base. We still all go out and use many of these older methods and talk about them during small talk at outings, dinner, and even at work. Is this the appropriate means for regaining the trust of our consumers? This form of communication is limited to a small group of people, where this industry strives on gaining in masses. Aside from outbreaks, our consumers are spread out over the world, rather than being grouped. In traditional communication, this is a good time for the drug manufacturers to team up and collaborate on key ideas to help with public relations. Electronic Communication includes e-mails, cinematic media, internet trafficking, and other similar forms for communication. This form of communication has a

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