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Bad Effects Of Marketing To Kids

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Have you ever seen a ad on television about fast food deals? This is called Marketing to kids. Which is when advertisers try to get you to buy their products. In this essay i will tell you the effects of Marketing to kids, why it is bad for you sometimes, and how to keep your kids away from the ads. Let’s get right into it!

The effect of Marketing to kids is that they could eat too much fast food and get cancer, diabetes, and lots of other effects. Kids could also click on a ad and that ad could steal the kids information. Then that advertiser could buy stuff from the information and then the kid or parents have no money. These effects could affect a kid for the rest of their lives. Fast food advertisers could also use cartoon characters to make the kid wanna buy their product. According to the author, advertisers have spent $2 Billion dollars just to advertise to the young kids just to get the young kids to buy their product and make money. Now let’s move on to why marketing to kids can be bad for you at some moments. …show more content…
It could also show a ad that the kid might want to click, but that ad could be dangerous and could steal your information. But sometimes it’s good because it could be a ad for a certain that you are interested in. Those are the good ads that don’t have any effects and don’t steal your information. Just remember to tell your kids what are the bad ads and the good so the advertiser don’t make you unhealthy or steal your

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